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Check Model Compatibility

With Simulink® Design Verifier™, you can analyze Simulink models to:

  • Detect design errors that can occur at a run time.

  • Generate test cases that achieve model coverage.

  • Prove properties and identify property violations.

Before Simulink Design Verifier analyzes a model, the software checks whether the model is compatible for analysis. The model is compatible for analysis when:

  • The model is compiled into an executable form.

  • The model is compatible with code generation.

  • The model performs zero-second simulation with no errors, that is the simulation start and stop time is 0.

The software supports a broad range of Simulink and Stateflow® software capabilities in your models. However, there are capabilities that the product does not support, described in Support Limitations of Simulink Design Verifier for Simulink Software Features and Support Limitations for Stateflow Software Features.

For more information on supported Simulink blocks, see Supported and Unsupported Simulink Blocks in Simulink Design Verifier.

Run Compatibility Check

Before the software begins an analysis, it checks the compatibility of your model, and then creates a model representation. The model representation includes the model artifacts that are used during analysis. For more information, see Model Representation for Analysis.

Before you start an analysis, you can run a compatibility check on your model by using one of these methods. When you use any of these methods, the model representation is always rebuilt.

  • On the Design Verifier tab, in the Analyze section, click Check Compatibility.

  • In the Model Advisor, select either By Product > Simulink Design Verifier > Check compatibility with Simulink Design Verifier or By Task > Simulink Design Verifier Compatibility Check > Check compatibility with Simulink Design Verifier. Click Run This Check.

    For more information, see Simulink Design Verifier Checks.

  • To run the compatibility check programmatically at the command line or in a MATLAB® program, use the sldvcompat function. For more information, see sldvcompat.

  • To check compatibility of a Subsystem, right-click the Subsystem and select Design Verifier > Check Subsystem Compatibility.

Compatibility Check Results

When you run a compatibility check on a model, the Results Summary window displays one of these results:

Model Is Compatible

If your model is compatible, you can continue with the analysis in the Results Summary window. For example, to continue the test generation analysis, click Generate Tests.

Simulink Design Verifier Results summary window that shows the compatibility of a Simulink model.


After you have completed the compatibility check, if you change the model, you cannot continue the analysis in the Results Summary window. If you change your model, rerun the compatibility check for analysis.

Model Is Incompatible

If the model is incompatible with Simulink Design Verifier, you can identify and fix the incompatibilities through the Diagnostic Viewer messages. For more information, see Systematic Diagnosis of Errors and Warnings.

Simulink Design Verifier Results summary window that shows the incompatibility of a Simulink model.

  • If your model uses a variable-step solver, configure the solver Type to Fixed-step.

    Simulink Design Verifier compatibility analysis window that shows the error.

  • If your model has nonfinite data, change the value of the data or configure the model so that the data is treated as a variable during Simulink Design Verifier analysis. For more information, see Nonfinite Data.

    Window if Diagnostic Viewer that shows Simulink design Verifier compatibility analysis.

If your model is large and contains many subsystems, you can use the Test Generation Advisor to determine whether certain subsystems cause the incompatibility. For more information, see Use Test Generation Advisor to Identify Analyzable Components.

Model Is Partially Compatible

A model is partially compatible if at least one model object in the model is incompatible. Simulink Design Verifier continues the analysis for partially compatible model by stubbing out the unsupported elements. By default, the Automatic stubbing of unsupported blocks and functions option is set to On. For more information, see Handle Incompatibilities with Automatic Stubbing.

Simulink Design Verifier Results summary window that shows results of a partial compatible Simulink model.

See Also

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