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Install Development Computer Software

You install the Simulink® Real-Time™ software only on the MATLAB® development computer. The development computer downloads the real-time application to the target computer at run time. The Simulink Real-Time software is distributed on a DVD or as a file that you download from the Internet.

Simulink Real-Time supports development workflows and test engineering workflows:

  • Development workflow — To model real-time execution, build the real-time applications, download the application to a target computer, and run the applications, you set up your development computer with a development installation. This installation includes MATLAB, Simulink, Simulink Coder™, MATLAB Coder, Simulink Real-Time, and Simulink Real-Time Target support package, Speedgoat I/O Blockset, and Stateflow® (recommended).

  • Test engineering workflow — To just download and run real-time applications that you receive from a developer, you set up your development computer with a test installation. This installation includes MATLAB, Simulink Real-Time, and Speedgoat I/O Blockset.

For information about installing target computer software, see Speedgoat Target Computers and Speedgoat Support.

License Requirements

Before you install the Simulink Real-Time product, you must have a valid File Installation Key and License file. The File Installation Key identifies the products that you purchased from MathWorks®. The License file activates the installation.

If you have not received either of these items, go to the License Center at the MathWorks website. For a list of required products, go to Product Requirements & Platform Availability for Simulink Real-Time.

After you install Simulink Real-Time, if you are setting up a development installation, you must install the Simulink Real-Time Target Support package. During support package installation, you accept the license terms for the BlackBerry® QNX® Neutrino® development tools and run-time components as part of the target computer. These tools generate a real-time application that runs on the target computer.

Using Simulink Real-Time and BlackBerry QNX Neutrino, you can develop Simulink Real-Time applications that you run on a Speedgoat® target machine (target computer). You can run these real-time applications by using the target computer in connected mode. In connected mode, the development and target computers are connected via Simulink Real-Time software and an Ethernet cable. You also can run these real-time applications by using the target computer in standalone mode. In standalone mode, the development and target computers are not connected via Simulink Real-Time software.

For more information about the connected mode and the standalone mode, see Real-Time Application and Target Computer Modes.

Location of Files on Development Computer

Select a working folder outside the MATLAB root. Simulink Real-Time generates files and folders in this location:

  • MATLAB working folder — Simulink cache files (.slxc), dynamic link libraries (for example, .mex64 ), and Simulink Real-Time applications (.mldatx).

  • Simulink Coder Build folder — The Simulink Coder C code files (.c, .cpp, .h, .hpp) are in a subfolder called modelname_slrealtime_rtw.

See Also

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