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Functional, Baseline, Multirelease, and Parallel Tests

Analyze dependencies, compare output to known values and across releases, run in parallel, and use external data input

You can run these types of tests in Simulink® Test™:

  • Functional — Use functional requirements to develop test cases and test suites that analyze whether model components meet those requirements.

  • Baseline — Compare test results to a file of saved output values.

  • Multirelease — Use more than one release to run a test and check that results have not changed between releases.

  • Parallel — Decrease test execution run time, especially for complex Simulink models that take a long time to simulate or for tests with multiple test iterations that take a long time to run. To run tests in parallel on your local machine or cluster, you must have Parallel Computing Toolbox™ installed. To run tests on a remote cluster or in the cloud, you must have MATLAB® Parallel Server™ installed.


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