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Processor Software

Design and develop the software for the embedded processor component of an SoC application

Create Simulink® models of the software in an SoC application. Encapsulate the algorithms as a collection of timer-driven and event-driven task subsystems. Define the timing and duration characteristics for tasks.


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Task ManagerCreate and manage task executions in Simulink model
Proxy TaskA placeholder for a task in your application
Task TriggerTrigger task execution in your application (Since R2023b)
Task Trigger MergeMerge multiple task triggers into one trigger (Since R2023b)
Hardware InterruptTrigger downstream function-call subsystem from interrupt service routine (Since R2024b)
Task ManagerCreate and manage task executions in Simulink model
Testbench TaskAn external timer-driven task load on your SoC processor application
Event SourceSimulate and playback recorded task events (Since R2020b)
Interprocess Data ChannelModel interprocessor data channel between two processors (Since R2020b)
Interprocess Data ReadReceive messages from another processor using interprocess communication channel (Since R2020b)
Interprocess Data WriteSend messages to another processor using interprocessor data write (Since R2020b)


socTaskTimesPlot histogram of the task durations from a recorded Simulation Data Inspector run
socHardwareUsageGenerate processor core usage statistics from a recorded Simulation Data Inspector run (Since R2021b)
socTaskSchedulabilityDetermine whether set of tasks can be scheduled for specified core assignments (Since R2022b)
socCreateModelCreates a skeleton SoC Blockset model for task set (Since R2022b)

Profiles and Stereotypes

soc_blockset_profileProfile for SoC Blockset systems
ProcessorCoreStereotype for a processor core
PeriodicSoftwareTaskStereotype for a periodic software task
AperiodicSoftwareTaskStereotype for an aperiodic software task


Hardware MappingMap memory, tasks, and peripherals in a model to hardware board configurations (Since R2022b)
Performance ReportDisplay performance and core usage metrics after model simulation or execution on SoC device (Since R2021b)
Simulation Data InspectorInspect and compare data and simulation results to validate and iterate model designs




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