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Get mapping for symbol in atomic subchart, atomic box, or Simulink based state

Since R2022b


chartSymbol = getMappingForSymbol(subsystem,subsystemSymbol) returns the main chart symbol to which the subsystem symbol subsystemSymbol maps, where subsystem is an atomic subchart, atomic box, or Simulink® based state. For more information, see Map Variables for Atomic Subcharts and Boxes and Map Variables for Simulink Based States.


[chartSymbol,expression] = getMappingForSymbol(subsystem,subsystemSymbol) returns the main chart symbol and the nontrivial expression to which the subsystem symbol maps.



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In an atomic subchart called A, modify the mapping for the subchart input u1.

Open the model sf_atomic_iodata_fixed.slx.


Access the Stateflow.AtomicSubchart object for the atomic subchart A.

subsystem = find(sfroot,"-isa","Stateflow.AtomicSubchart", ...

Use the Subchart property to access the Stateflow.Data object for subchart input u1.

subsystemSymbol = find(subsystem.Subchart, ...

Use the Chart property to access the Stateflow.Data object for chart input u2.

chartSymbol = find(subsystem.Chart, ...

Check the mapping for subchart input u1.

ans = 

Map subchart input u1 to chart input u2.

ans = 

Clear the mapping for subchart input u1.

ans = 

Since R2023a

In a Simulink based state called Locked, modify the mapping for the output we.

Open the model sf_clutch.slx.


Access the Stateflow.SimulinkBasedState object for the Simulink based state Locked.

subsystem = find(sfroot,"-isa","Stateflow.SimulinkBasedState",  ...

Check the mapping for Simulink based state output we.

ans = 

Map the Simulink based state output we to chart output wv.

ans = 

Clear the mapping for Simulink based state output we.

ans = 

In an atomic subchart called A, find the expression that the parameter T maps to.

Open the model sf_atomic_parameter_fixed.slx.


Access the Stateflow.AtomicSubchart object for the atomic subchart A.

subsystem = find(sfroot,"-isa","Stateflow.AtomicSubchart", ...

Use the Subchart property to access the Stateflow.Data object for subchart parameter T.

subsystemSymbol = find(subsystem.Subchart, ...

Check the mapping for subchart parameter T.

[~,expression] = getMappingForSymbol(subsystem,subsystemSymbol)
expression = 

Input Arguments

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Atomic subchart, atomic box, or Simulink based state, specified as a Stateflow.AtomicSubchart, Stateflow.AtomicBox, or Stateflow.SimulinkBasedState object.

Subsystem symbol, specified as a Stateflow.Data object, a Stateflow.Event object, a string scalar, or a character vector.


If the subsystem argument is a Stateflow.SimulinkBasedState object, this argument must be a string scalar or character vector.

Output Arguments

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Main chart symbol, returned as a Stateflow.Data object, a Stateflow.Event object, or an empty array []. If subsystemSymbol maps to a nontrivial expression, chartSymbol is an empty array.

Mapping expression, returned as a character vector. This expression can specify:

  • A field of a Stateflow® structure

  • An element of a vector or matrix

  • Any combination of structure fields or matrix indices

If subsystemSymbol maps to a main chart symbol, expression is an empty character vector, ''.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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