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Convert symbolic matrix variable to array of scalar variables

Since R2021a


S = symmatrix2sym(M) converts a symbolic matrix variable M of type symmatrix to an array of symbolic scalar variables S of type sym.

The output array is the same size as the input symbolic matrix variable and its components are filled with automatically generated elements. For example, syms M [1 3] matrix; S = symmatrix2sym(M) creates the matrix S = [M1_1, M1_2, M1_3]. The generated elements M1_1, M1_2, and M1_3 do not appear in the MATLAB® workspace.



collapse all

Create two symbolic matrix variables with size 2-by-3. Nonscalar symbolic matrix variables are displayed as bold characters in the Live Editor and Command Window.

syms A B [2 3] matrix
A = A
B = B

Add the two matrices. The result is represented by the matrix notation A+B.

X = A + B
X = A+B

The data type of X is symmatrix.

ans = 

Convert the symbolic matrix variable X to a matrix of symbolic scalar variables Y. The result is denoted by the sum of the matrix components.

Y = symmatrix2sym(X)
Y = 


The data type of Y is sym.

ans = 

Show that the converted result in Y is equal to the sum of two matrices of symbolic scalar variables.

syms A B [2 3]
Y2 = A + B
Y2 = 


ans = logical

Create 3-by-3 and 3-by-1 symbolic matrix variables.

syms A [3 3] matrix
syms X [3 1] matrix

Find the Hessian matrix of XTAX.

f = X.'*A*X;
H = diff(f,X,X.')
H = AT+A

Convert the result from a symbolic matrix variable H to a matrix of symbolic scalar variables S.

S = symmatrix2sym(H)
S = 


Create a 1-by-3 symbolic matrix variable that represents a vector.

syms A [1 3] matrix

Find the 2-norm of the vector A. The result is a symbolic matrix variable with symmatrix data type.

N = norm(A)
N = A2
ans = 

Convert N to a symbolic scalar variable to express the 2-norm in terms of the components of A. The result is a symbolic scalar variable with sym data type.

N = symmatrix2sym(N)
N = 


ans = 

Create two vectors of size 3-by-1 as symbolic matrix variables.

syms A B [3 1] matrix

Find the dot product of the two vectors by evaluating transpose(A)*B.

C = transpose(A)*B

Convert C to a symbolic scalar variable to express the dot product in terms of the components of A and B.

C = symmatrix2sym(C)
C = A1B1+A2B2+A3B3

Create two 2-by-3 symbolic matrix variables.

syms A B [2 3] matrix

Concatenate the two matrices vertically using the command vertcat(A,B) or [A; B].

C = [A; B]
C = 


Convert C to a matrix of symbolic scalar variables.

C = symmatrix2sym(C)
C = 


Input Arguments

collapse all

Input, specified as a symbolic matrix variable.

Data Types: symmatrix


  • To show all the functions in Symbolic Math Toolbox™ that accept symbolic matrix variables as input, use the command methods symmatrix.

  • Instead of using symmatrix2sym to convert a symbolic matrix variable to an array of symbolic scalar variables, you can use the shortcut sym. For an example, see Convert Hessian Matrix. (since R2022b)

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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