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C28x CAN Receive

Enhanced Controller Area Network receive mailbox

  • C28x CAN Receive block

C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / C2803x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / C2805x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / C2806x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / C280x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / C281x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / C2833x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / C2834x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F280013x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F280015x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28002x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28003x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28004x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F2807x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F2837xD
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F2837xS
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F2838x / C28x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28p65x


The CAN Receive block generates source code for receiving enhanced Controller Area Network (CAN) messages through an CAN mailbox. CAN modules on the processor provide serial communication capability and have 32 mailboxes configurable for receive or transmit. The block supports CAN data frames in standard or extended format.

The block supports CAN or DCAN depending upon the type of C2000 processors.

To use the CAN Receive block with the CAN Pack block in the canmsglib library, set Data type to CAN_MESSAGE_TYPE.

Configure the CAN modules for a specific hardware board by navigating to Hardware Implementation > Target hardware resources. Verify that these settings meet the requirements of your application.




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Connect a function call subsystem to this port. When a new message is received, the subsystem is executed.

The received data is output in the form of a vector of elements of the selected data type. The length of the vector is 8 bytes. When the block is used in polling mode, and a new message is not created between consecutive executions of the block, the existing message is repeated.

To use the CAN Receive block with the CAN Unpack block in the canmsglib library, set Data type to CAN_MESSAGE_TYPE.

Data Types: uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | CAN_MESSAGE_TYPE

The length of output message received in bytes.


This port appears only if the Output message length parameter is selected.

Data Types: uint16

The port outputs message identifier of received message.


To enable this port, select Output message ID parameter.

Data Types: uint32


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Determines the CAN module configured by the CAN Receive block.

For standard CAN controller (SCC) mode, enter a unique number from 0 to 15. For high-end CAN controller (HECC) mode, enter a unique number from 0 to 31. In SCC mode, transmissions from the mailbox with the highest number have the highest priority. In HECC mode, the mailbox number only determines priority if the transmit priority level (TPL) of two mailboxes is equal.


In a model, the same mailbox number cannot be used by either CAN Transmit block or other CAN Receive blocks.

The message identifier is 11 bits long for the standard frame size or 29 bits long for the extended frame size in decimal, binary, or hex format. For binary and hex formats, use bin2dec(' ') and hex2dec(' '), respectively, to convert the entry.

The message identifier type.

Enable this parameter to use ID filtering. ID filtering depends on Message type (Standard or extended) , Message identifier and Message identifier mask.

CAN module scans the received message ID's and compares it with the filter mask. Received messages which pass the acceptance filtering are stored into the message RAM.


Acceptance filtering in self test mode is only supported for specific processors. F2805x/F2806x and older processors does not support acceptance filtering in self test mode.

The Message identifier mask is 11 bits long for the standard frame size or 29 bits long for the extended frame size in decimal, binary, or hex format. For binary and hex formats, use bin2dec(' ') and hex2dec(' '), respectively, to convert the entry.

  • 0 - if the bit in Message identifier mask is set to 0, then corresponding bit in the Message identifier will not be considered for acceptance filtering.

  • 1 - if the bit in Message identifier mask is set to 1, then corresponding bit in the Message identifier will be considered for acceptance filtering.


To enable Message identifier mask parameter, select Enable acceptance filter.

A new message causes a function call to be sent from the mailbox. If you want to update the message output only when a new message arrives, the block needs to be executed asynchronously. To execute the block asynchronously, set this parameter to -1, and select the Post interrupt when message is received option.


For information about setting the timing parameters of the CAN module, see Configuring Timing Parameters for CAN Blocks.

The options available are:

  • uint8: Vector length = 8 elements

  • uint16: Vector length = 4 elements

  • uint32: Vector length = 2 elements

  • CAN_MESSAGE_TYPE: Outputs data as a structure. Use the CAN Unpack block to extract the data from the structure.

The length of the vector for the received message is at most 8 bytes. If the message is less than 8 bytes, the data buffer bytes are right-aligned in the output. The data are unpacked as follows using the data buffer, which is 8 bytes.

For uint8 data, the CAN Receive block reads each unit of 8 bytes in the registers and outputs 8-bit data to eight elements (using the lower part of the 16-bit memory).

Output[0] = data_buffer[0];
Output[1] = data_buffer[1];
Output[2] = data_buffer[2];
Output[3] = data_buffer[3];
Output[4] = data_buffer[4];
Output[5] = data_buffer[5];
Output[6] = data_buffer[6];
Output[7] = data_buffer[7];

For uint16 data, the CAN Receive block reads each unit of 8 bytes in the registers and outputs 16-bit data to four elements.

Output[0] = data_buffer[1..0];
Output[1] = data_buffer[3..2];
Output[2] = data_buffer[5..4];
Output[3] = data_buffer[7..6];

For uint32 data, the CAN Receive block reads each unit of 8 bytes in the registers and outputs 32-bit data to two elements.

Output[0] = data_buffer[3..0];
Output[1] = data_buffer[7..4];

For example, if the received message has two bytes:

data_buffer[0] = 0x21
data_buffer[1] = 0x43

The uint16 output is:

Output[0] = 0x4321
Output[1] = 0x0000
Output[2] = 0x0000
Output[3] = 0x0000

When you select CAN_MESSAGE_TYPE, the block outputs the following struct data (defined in can_message.h):

struct {
  /* Is Extended frame */
  uint8_T Extended;

  /* Length */
  uint8_T Length;

  /* RTR */
  uint8_T Remote;

  /* Error */
  uint8_T Error;

  /* CAN ID */
  uint32_T ID;
  TIMESTAMP_NOT_REQUIRED is a macro that will be defined by Target teams 
  PIL, if they do not require the timestamp field during code
  generation. By default, timestamp is defined. If the targets do not require
  the timestamp field, they should define the macro TIMESTAMP_NOT_REQUIRED before
  including this header file for code generation.
    /* Timestamp */
    double Timestamp;

  /* Data field */
  uint8_T Data[8];



The following are the limitations when Data type is set as CAN_MESSAGE_TYPE.

  • CAN unpack status can be used for data validity only when CAN unpack is directly connected to CAN Receive block without function trigger and Action when message not received to Reset all fields to zero.

  • CAN unpack status will not be valid in any case if Action when message not received of CAN Receive block is set to Output last received values.

  • Always use function trigger as indication of status with or without CAN unpack block for all scenarios.

The value of the output before receiving data. You can specify the initial output values based on the Data type selected.

Select an action when no new CAN message is received. You can either choose Output last message received or Reset all fields to zero.

When you select the Output message ID parameter, the block configures an output port, ID. The port outputs the status of output message identifier.


To enable Output message ID, select Enable acceptance filter.

The message length in bytes, sent to the len port. If not selected, the len port is not visible.

When selected, the block posts an asynchronous interrupt when a message is received.

The interrupt line the asynchronous interrupt uses. The value of this parameter sets bit 2 (GIL) in the global interrupt mask register (CANGIM):

  • 1 maps the global interrupts to the CAN1INT line.

  • 0 maps the global interrupts to the CAN0INT line.


This parameter appears only when you select Post interrupt when message is received.

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