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F2838x-M4 Hardware Interrupt

Trigger downstream function-call subsystem from interrupt service routine

Since R2020b

  • Hardware Interrupt

C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F2838x / M4
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28M35x / M3
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28M36x / M3
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / Scheduling


Use the F2838x-M4 Hardware Interrupt block to create an interrupt service routine (ISR) automatically in the generated code of your model. The ISR executes the downstream function-call subsystem associated with the block.

Using this block you can:

  • Create ISRs on TI C2000 ARM Cortex-M4.

  • Set ISR priority.

  • Enable or disable interrupt preemption.

  • Simulate the trigger of the interrupt and the downstream subsystem using a simulation input.

This block generates code only for the specified ISR. To change the configuration to enable the interrupt and specific triggering options use the settings of the chosen peripheral.

For example, to create an ISR for the UART peripheral on the Hardware Interrupt block, select UART in the Interrupt group parameter and UART0INT_Handler in the Interrupt name parameter. To create an ISR on the UART Transmit and the UART Receive blocks, set the Interrupt name parameter to UART0INT_Handler.

To trigger an ISR from a UART Transmit block, select the Enable Transmit Interrupt check box in Configuration Parameters > Hardware Implementation > Target Hardware Resources > UART. Selecting this check box has no effect if your model does not have a UART Transmit block.

An ISR from a UART Receive block is automatically triggered when you choose the necessary Hardware Interrupt block settings because the Enable Receive Interrupt check box is selected by default in Configuration Parameters > Hardware Implementation > Target Hardware Resources > UART.


Use MCAN Interrupt Status block inside the interrupt function call subsystem to clear the source of interrupt.



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The interrupt block initiates a function call in simulation when you enable the SimIRQ input port. However, SimIRQ is ignored in the generated code.


To enable the SimIRQ port, select the Add simulation input port parameter.

Data Types: Boolean


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The output of this block is a function call. The size of the function call line equals the number of interrupts the block is set to handle.


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Interrupt group lists all the interrupt groups from your interrupt description file. Selecting an interrupt group changes the list of values in the Interrupt name parameter.

The Interrupt name corresponds to the specific entry in the processor's interrupt vector table. The available ISRs depend on the interrupt group

This read-only parameter indicates the position of the selected ISR in the interrupt vector table of your target hardware.

The value you specify in this parameter sets the priority of the downstream function-call subsystem. The simulink task priority of the selected (ISR) is relative to the model base rate priority.


The default model base sample rate priority is set to 40 with a lower priority value indicating a higher priority task. To achieve this the Higher priority value indicates higher task priority option is disabled in the Solver pane in the Configuration Parameters.

By default, an interrupt can be preempted by a higher priority interrupt. Selecting this option allows low priority interrupts to complete their execution without being preempted by other interrupts.

Select this option to enable the SimIRQ input. The Interrupt block initiates a function call in simulation when you enable the SimIRQ input port. However, SimIRQ is ignored in the generated code.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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