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F2838x-M4 TCP Send

Send data over TCP/IP network to remote host

Since R2020b

  • F2838x-M4 TCP Send block

C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F2838x / M4
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28M35x / M3
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28M36x / M3


The TCP Send block sends data to a remote host or another hardware board over a TCP/IP network. The server (client mode) must be up and running before deploying the model that contains the TCP Send block to the target.

The block sends data either in blocking mode or in non-blocking mode. In blocking mode, the model blocks the execution while it waits for the data to be sent completely. In non-blocking mode, the model runs continuously. To set the block in blocking mode, select the Wait until previous packet transmitted option.


  • Your antivirus software or firewall might block TCP traffic. Configure the software to allow traffic from a specific IP port number.

  • Due to RAM memory limitations on the F2838x(ARM Cortex-M4), loading application to RAM is not supported for this block.

  • CPU Timer 2 of F2838x Arm Cortex-M core (Connectivity Manager) provides time base to lwIP stack. It is configured to trigger an interrupt every 1 ms. This timer should not be re-configured if Ethernet blocks are being used in the model. If the corresponding interrupt is armed through Hardware Interrupt block, it will run the interrupt handler every 1 ms.



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The block accepts data specified as an N-by-1 array. The block sends this data over a TCP/IP network to the receiving host.

Data Types: int8 | uint8 | int16 | uint16 | int32 | uint32 | single | double | Boolean


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The port outputs 0 if the data is transmitted at a given time step. Otherwise, it outputs a nonzero value, indicating that data transmission is not successful.


This parameter appears only when Output transmit status parameter is enabled.

Data Types: uint8


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Set the block as a TCP/IP server or client.

When you set connection mode parameter to Server, provide a Local IP Port. The local port acts as the listening port on the TCP/IP server.

When you set connection mode parameter to Client, provide the Server IP Address and the Server IP Port of the TCP/IP server to which you want to send the data.

Specify the remote IP address of the receiving server to which the data is sent.


This parameter appears only when Connection mode parameter is set to Client.

Specify the port number on the receiving server to which data is sent.


This parameter appears only when Connection mode parameter is set to Client.

Specify the port number of the application from which to send the data. This local port acts as the listening port of the TCP/IP server.

  • on — When you select this parameter, the send operation runs in the blocking mode. In this mode, if the block is still transmitting the packets received in the previous time step, the block retains the data at the input port in the current time step and waits to send it.

    A task overrun occurs if the target hardware is still waiting for the requested data to be sent when the next send operation is scheduled to begin. To fix overruns increase the time step by using the Sample time parameter.

  • off — When you clear this parameter, the send operation runs in the nonblocking mode. In this mode, if the block is still transmitting the packets received in the previous time step, the data at the input port in the current time step is dropped.

    In either mode, if the block is yet to establish the connection between the sending and receiving hosts. or if the connection is lost, the data at the input port is dropped.

Select this option to display the transmit status during data transmission.

When you select the Output transmit status parameter, the block configures an output port. The port on the block is labeled as Status, indicating that the block outputs the status of the transmit operation at the output port.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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