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Model Configuration Parameters for Texas Instruments Concerto F28M3x (ARM Cortex-M3)

Hardware Implementation Pane Overview

Configuration Parameters

  1. In the Simulink® Editor, select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.

  2. In the Configuration Parameter dialog box, click Hardware Implementation.

  3. Set the Hardware board parameter to a value such as TI Concerto F28M36x (ARM Cortex-M3).

  4. The parameter values under Hardware board settings are automatically populated to their default values.

    You can optionally adjust these parameters for your particular use case.

  5. Click Apply to apply the changes.

For more information on selecting a hardware blockset and general configuration settings, see Hardware Implementation Pane.

Scheduler Options

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Base rate trigger

Set the static priority of the base rate task in the operating system.

Timer 0

C28x / ARM Cortex-M3 - Build options

C28x / ARM Cortex-M3 - Build options

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Build actionThe option to specify how the build process should take place during code generation.Build, load and run
Device name

The option to select a particular device from the selected processor family in the Target hardware parameter on the Code Generation pane.

Disable parallel build

Select to compile the generated code and driver source codes in parallel order for faster build and deployment speed.

Boot From Flash (stand alone execution)

The option to specify if the application has to load to the flash. If you do not select this option, the application loads to the RAM.

Use custom linker command file

The option to indicate that the custom linker command file must be used during the build action. Select this option, if you have your own custom linker file, which you can specify in Linker command file parameter. If you do not select this option, based on the device you have selected, a default custom linker command file will be used.

Linker command file

The path to memory description file that is required during linking. For each family of TI processor selected under ‘Target Hardware’, one linker command file will be selected automatically.

CCS hardware configuration file

The Code Composer Studio™ file required for downloading the application on the hardware. Select one of the .ccxml files from the folder ‘CCS_Config’ folder under blockset installation folder.




ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Desired C28x CPU clock in MHz

Specify the expected C28x CPU clock frequency and match the same in your C28x Model.

Oscillator clock (OSCCLK) frequency in MHz

Specify the frequency of the crystal oscillator used in the board.

Auto set PLL based on OSCCLK and CPU clock

The option that helps you to set the PLL control register value automatically.

System PLL multiplier (SYSPLLMULT)[1–127.75]

Specify the system PLL multiplier. You can specify a value in this parameter if Auto set PLL based on OSCCLK and CPU clock is not selected.

System clock divider (SYSDIVSEL)

If you select the Auto set PLL based on OSCCLK and CPU clock check box, the auto calculated clock divider value achieves the specified CPU Clock value based on the Oscillator clock frequency. Otherwise, you can select a value for Clock divider (SYSDIVSEL).


The auto calculated feedback value that matches most closely to the desired CPU Clock value on the board, based on the values of OSCCLK, SYSPLLMULT, and the SYSDIVSEL.

M3 System clock divider (M3SSDIVSEL)

Select a value from the options for M3 system clock divider.


This is the achievable M3 system clock frequency.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Enable GPIO port A

Select this option to enable GPIO port A.

Show GPIOA settings for

Select GPIO pins from port A for which you want to set the CPU core and the pin type.

Pin 0
Select the CPU core which controls Pin #

Select the CPU core for the selected GPIO pin.

Select the pin type for Pin 0

Select the pull–up and the open–drain options for the selected GPIO pin.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Enable UART Loopback

Select this check box to enable data transmission from Tx to Rx buffer.

Not selected
Enable M3 UART4 to C28 SCI-A Loopback

Select this check box to enable data transmission from M3 UART4 to C28 SCI-A.

Not selected
Desired Baud rate (in bits/sec)

Specify the desired baud rate of the data transmission.

Closest Achievable Baud rate (in bits/sec)

The value in this parameter is calculated based on the desired baud rate that you specify and the system clock frequency.

Number of stop bits

Select the number of stop bits used to indicate the end of a byte data transmission. The options available:

Parity mode

Select a parity mode that is added at the end of a binary data for error detection.

Pin assignment(Tx)

Select a GPIO pin as the UART pin for data transmission. By default, the GPIO29 is hardwired as the Tx GPIO to the FTDI chip.

Pin assignment(Rx)

Select a GPIO pin as UART pin for data reception.

Enable Transmit InterruptSelect this check box to enable the transmit interrupt. This will trigger UART interrupt when DMA copies any data to FIFO.Not selected
Enable Receive InterruptThis check box by default is enabled for communication with external mode over serial.Selected


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Enable DHCP for local IP address assignment

Select this check box to configure the board to get an IP address from the local DHCP server on the network.

Local IP address

Enter the IP address of the board.
Subnet mask

Enter the subnet mask for the board. A subnet mask divides an IP address into network address and a host address.
Ethernet local host name

Enter the local host name.

MAC address

Enter the MAC address.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
PIL communication interface

Select the communication interface for PIL. The available options are: Serial and TCP/IP.

Serial port

Enter the serial port used by the target hardware.

PIL Baud Rate (UART) Baud rate)

This is the PIL baud rate used by the target. This is based on the baud rate that you specify in the Desired Baud rate (in bits/sec) parameter for UART0.

Ethernet port

This is the Ethernet port used for PIL communication.


External mode

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Communication interface

Use the ‘serial’ option to run your model in the External mode with serial communication.

Serial port

Enter the serial port used by the target hardware.


Select this check box to view the External Mode execution progress and updates in the Diagnostic Viewer or in the MATLAB® command window.

Not selected

SD Card Logging

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Enable MAT-file logging on SD card

Enables the MAT-file logging for SD card.


SPI module

Select the desired interface on which the SD card is connected to hardware board.


SPI baud rate

Select the desired option for the SPI interface used by the SD card.

Maximum achievable supported by the inserted SD Card

For information on other configuration options, see Model Configuration Parameters for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors.

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