Target Communication
Communicate with targets using Byte Pack/Unpack, CAN Pack/Unpack, CAN
FD, Protocol Encoder/Decoder and other blocks
Configure the blocks such as Byte Pack/Unpack, CAN Pack/Unpack, CAN FD, Protocol, and more to communicate with the targets.
Byte Pack | Convert input signals to 8-, 16-, or 32-bit vector |
Byte Unpack | Unpack 8-, 16-, or 32-bit input vector to multiple output vectors |
CAN Pack | Pack individual signals into CAN message |
CAN Unpack | Unpack individual signals from CAN messages |
CAN FD Pack | Pack individual signals into message for CAN FD bus |
CAN FD Unpack | Unpack individual signals from CAN FD messages |
Interprocess Data Read | Receive messages from another processor using interprocess communication channel (Since R2020b) |
Interprocess Data Write | Send messages to another processor using interprocessor data write (Since R2020b) |
Protocol Encoder | Encode input data into a uint8 byte stream by specifying the packet structure (Since R2021b) |
Protocol Decoder | Decode a uint8 byte stream by specifying the packet structure (Since R2021b) |