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Modify description of attribute in label definition creator object


editAttributeDescription(ldc,labelName,attributeName,description) modifies the description of an attribute under the label or sublabel identified by labelName. The label or sublabel must be in the label definition creator object ldc.



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Load an existing label definitions table into the workspace.

labelDefFile = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'), 'visiondata', 'labelDefsWithAttributes.mat');
ld = load(labelDefFile)
ld = struct with fields:
    labelDefs: [4x4 table]

Create a label definition creator object from the label definitions table.

ldc = labelDefinitionCreator(ld.labelDefs)
ldc = 
labelDefinitionCreator contains the following labels:

	Vehicle with 0 sublabels and 3 attributes and belongs to None group.	(info)
	Pedestrian with 0 sublabels and 0 attributes and belongs to None group.	(info)
	LaneMarker with 0 sublabels and 2 attributes and belongs to None group.	(info)
	TrafficLight with 1 sublabels and 0 attributes and belongs to None group.	(info)

For more details about attributes and sublabels, use the info method.

Modify the Description of Attribute Under a Label

Display information about the label "Vehicle".

           Name: "Vehicle"
           Type: Rectangle
     LabelColor: {''}
          Group: "None"
     Attributes: ["Class"    "Color"    "View"]
      Sublabels: []
    Description: 'Draw a tight bounding box around the vehicle. Use this label for cars, buses and trailers.'

Display information about the attribute "Color" under the label "Vehicle".

            Name: "Color"
            Type: String
    DefaultValue: ""
     Description: 'Color of the vehicle, specified as a string, such as red, blue, white.'

Modify the description of the attribute "Color" under the label "Vehicle".

editAttributeDescription(ldc,'Vehicle','Color','Color of the vehicle, specified as a string, e.g. "red".')

Display information about the label "Vehicle" to verify the modified attribute description.

            Name: "Color"
            Type: String
    DefaultValue: ""
     Description: 'Color of the vehicle, specified as a string, e.g. "red".'

Modify the Description of Attribute Under a Sublabel

Display information about the label "TrafficLight".

           Name: "TrafficLight"
           Type: Rectangle
     LabelColor: {''}
          Group: "None"
     Attributes: []
      Sublabels: "Light"
    Description: 'Mark a tight bounding box around the traffic light. Use the sublabels to mark each individual light'

Display information about the sublabel "Light" under the label "TrafficLight".

           Name: "Light"
           Type: Rectangle
     Attributes: ["Active"    "Color"]
      Sublabels: []
    Description: 'Mark a tight bounding box around each light.'

Display information about the attribute "Active" under the sublabel "TrafficLight/Light".

            Name: "Active"
            Type: Logical
    DefaultValue: 0
     Description: 'Mark true if this light is active and false if not.'

Modify the description of the attribute "Active" under the sublabel "TrafficLight/Light".

editAttributeDescription(ldc,'TrafficLight/Light','Active','Is Active: true (DefaultValue: 1), false (DefaultValue: 0)')

Display information about the attribute "Active" to verify the modified attribute description.

            Name: "Active"
            Type: Logical
    DefaultValue: 0
     Description: 'Is Active: true (DefaultValue: 1), false (DefaultValue: 0)'

Input Arguments

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Label definition creator, specified as a labelDefinitionCreator object.

Label or sublabel name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that uniquely identifies the label or sublabel to which the attribute is associated.

  • To specify a label, use the form 'labelName'.

  • To specify a sublabel, use the form 'labelName/sublabelName'. In this case, the attribute is associated with the sublabel.

Attribute name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that identifies the attribute for which the description is to be updated.

Description, specified as a character vector or string scalar that contains the new description for the attribute identified by attributeName.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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