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Add elementary lifting steps

Since R2021a


    lsn = addlift(lscheme,els) appends the array of elementary lifting steps els to the lifting scheme object lscheme.

    lsn = addlift(lscheme,els,loc) inserts the array of elementary lifting steps els in the lifting scheme lscheme at the specified location loc.



    collapse all

    Create a lifting scheme associated with the db2 wavelet.

    lscheme = liftingScheme('Wavelet','db2')
    lscheme = 
     	 Wavelet               : 'db2' 
    	 LiftingSteps          : [3 × 1] liftingStep 
    	 NormalizationFactors  : [1.9319 0.5176] 
    	 CustomLowpassFilter   : [  ] 
     Details of LiftingSteps :
                Type: 'predict'
        Coefficients: -1.7321
            MaxOrder: 0
                Type: 'update'
        Coefficients: [-0.0670 0.4330]
            MaxOrder: 1
                Type: 'predict'
        Coefficients: 1
            MaxOrder: -1

    Create an array that consists of two elementary lifting steps.

    elsA = liftingStep('Type','predict',...
        'Coefficients',[-sqrt(3) 1],'MaxOrder',0);
    elsB = liftingStep('Type','update',...
        'Coefficients',[2 sqrt(2)],'MaxOrder',0);
    els = [elsA;elsB];

    Insert the array at the second position.

    loc = 2;
    lsn = addlift(lscheme,els,loc)
    lsn = 
     	 Wavelet               : 'custom' 
    	 LiftingSteps          : [5 × 1] liftingStep 
    	 NormalizationFactors  : [1.9319 0.5176] 
    	 CustomLowpassFilter   : [  ] 
     Details of LiftingSteps :
                Type: 'predict'
        Coefficients: -1.7321
            MaxOrder: 0
                Type: 'predict'
        Coefficients: [-1.7321 1]
            MaxOrder: 0
                Type: 'update'
        Coefficients: [2 1.4142]
            MaxOrder: 0
                Type: 'update'
        Coefficients: [-0.0670 0.4330]
            MaxOrder: 1
                Type: 'predict'
        Coefficients: 1
            MaxOrder: -1

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Lifting scheme, specified as a liftingScheme object.

    Lifting steps, specified as a structure.

    Location to add the lifting steps in lscheme, specified as a positive integer between 1 and length(lscheme.LiftingSteps) inclusive.

    • If loc is 1, the lifting steps are inserted at the beginning of the lifting scheme.

    • If loc is length(lscheme.LiftingSteps), the lifting steps are added at the end of the lifting scheme.

    • If loc is greater than 1 and less than length(lscheme.LiftingSteps), the lifting steps are inserted after the (loc-1)th step of lsc.

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Lifting scheme, returned as a liftingScheme object.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

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