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(To be removed) Lifting schemes information

    lsinfo will be removed in a future release. Use disp and liftingScheme instead. For more information, see Version History.



    lsinfo displays information about lifting schemes created with liftwave.


    liftwave is no longer recommended and will be removed in a future release. Use liftingScheme.



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    Display information about lifting schemes created with liftwave.

     lsinfo Information about lifting schemes.
        A lifting scheme (LS) is a N x 3 cell array. The N-1 first
        rows of the array are "elementary lifting steps" (ELS).
        The last row gives the normalization of LS.
        Each ELS has the following format: 
           {type , coefficients , max_degree}
          - "type" is equal to 'p' (primal) or 'd' (dual).
          - "coefficients" is a vector C of real numbers defining
             the coefficients of a Laurent polynomial P described
          - "max_degree" is the highest degree d of the monomials
             of P.
          The Laurent polynomial P is of the form:
            P(z) = C(1)*z^d + C(2)*z^(d-1) + ... + C(m)*z^(d-m+1)
        So the Lifting Scheme LS is such that:
          for k = 1:N-1 , LS{k,:} is an ELS:
              LS{k,1} is the lifting "type" 'p' (primal) or 'd' (dual).
              LS{k,2} is the corresponding lifting filter.
              LS{k,3} is the highest degree of the Laurent polynomial
                      corresponding to the filter LS{k,2}.
          LS{N,1} is the primal normalization (real number).
          LS{N,2} is the dual normalization (real number).
          LS{N,3} is not used.
          Usually, the normalizations are such that LS{N,1}*LS{N,2} = 1.
        For example, the lifting scheme associated to the wavelet db1 is:
            LS = {...
                  'd'         [    -1]    [0]
                  'p'         [0.5000]    [0]
                  [1.4142]    [0.7071]     []
        See also displs, laurpoly.
        Documentation for lsinfo

    Version History

    Introduced before R2006a

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