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Recover sparse signal using matching pursuit algorithm

Since R2022a


    [Xr,YI,I,R] = matchingPursuit(A,Y) recovers the sparse signal Xr using the sensingDictionary A and sensor measurement Y. By default, the sparse recovery algorithm is matching pursuit. The I output is the support of Xr identified by the matching pursuit algorithm. The YI output is the best fit for Y corresponding to the bases indexed by the elements of I, and R is the residual.


    [Xr,YI,I,R] = matchingPursuit(___,Name=Value) specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to the input argument in the previous syntax. For example, [Xr,YI,I,R] = matchingPursuit(A,Y,Algorithm="WMP") specifies the weak matching pursuit algorithm.


    collapse all

    Load a signal.

    load cuspamax

    Create a sensing dictionary consisting of the basis types poly and walsh that can be applied to the signal.

    lsig = length(cuspamax);
    A = sensingDictionary(Size=lsig,Type={'poly','walsh'})
    A = 
      sensingDictionary with properties:
                    Type: {'poly'  'walsh'}
                    Name: {''  ''}
                   Level: [0 0]
        CustomDictionary: []
                    Size: [1024 2048]

    Use the dictionary to obtain a sparse approximation of the signal using weak matching pursuit.

    [Xr,YI,I,R] = matchingPursuit(A,cuspamax, ...

    Plot the original signal and the approximation.

    hold on
    legend("Original Signal","Weak Matching Pursuit")
    hold off

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Original Signal, Weak Matching Pursuit.

    Extract the vectors from the dictionary that correspond to the approximation. Multiply with the associated coefficients and confirm the result is equal to the approximation.

    Amat = subdict(A,1:1024,I);
    x = Amat*Xr(I,:);
    ans = 

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Sensing dictionary, specified as a sensingDictionary object.

    Sensor measurements, specified as a vector Y such that Y = AX, where X is a sparse signal.

    Data Types: single | double
    Complex Number Support: Yes

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: Xr = matchingPursuit(D,Y,Algorithm="WMP") recovers the sparse signal using weak matching pursuit.

    Recovery algorithm, specified as one of these:

    • "BMP" — Matching pursuit

    • "OMP" — Orthogonal matching pursuit

    • "WMP" — Weak matching pursuit

    For more information, see Matching Pursuit Algorithms.

    Example: [Xr,YI,I,R] = matchingPursuit(D,Y,Algorithm="OMP") recovers the sparse signal using orthogonal matching pursuit.

    Optimality factor for weak orthogonal matching pursuit, specified as a scalar in the interval (0,1]. This option is valid only when Algorithm is "WMP".

    Example: [Xr,YI,I,R] = matchingPursuit(D,Y,Algorithm="WMP",wmpcfs=0.7) specifies an optimality factor of 0.7.

    Data Types: single | double

    Maximum number of iterations to recover the sparse signal, specified as a positive integer. The pursuit algorithm stops if the number of iterations reaches maxIterations. Note that the number of iterations matchingPursuit performs to recover the sparse signal is equal to the length of the index vector I.

    Example: [Xr,YI,I,R] = matchingPursuit(D,Y,maxIterations=15) iterates at most 15 times to recover the sparse signal.

    Data Types: single | double

    Maximum error criteria used to recover the sparse signal, specified as cell array {NORME,ME}. NORME specifies the norm used in the error computation. Valid options are "L1", "L2", and "Linf". ME is a positive scalar in the interval (0,100] that specifies the maximum percentage of the relative admissible value.

    The relative error expressed as a percentage is


    where R is the residual at each iteration and Y is the input signal. For example, {"L1",10} sets maximum acceptable ratio of the L1 norms of the residual to the input signal to 0.10.

    If you specify maxerr, the matching pursuit terminates when the first of the following conditions is satisfied:

    • The number of iterations reaches maxIterations.

    • The relative error falls below the percentage you specify with the maxerr name-value argument.

    Example: [Xr,YI,I,R] = matchingPursuit(D,Y,maxerr={"L1",20}) specifies the L1 norm and a relative error of 20%.

    Data Types: cell

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Sparse signal recovered, returned as a vector.

    Data Types: single | double
    Complex Number Support: Yes

    Best fit to the sensor measurements, returned as a vector. YI is the best fit for Y corresponding to the bases indexed by the elements of I. The best fit is defined as YI = A(:,I)*Xr(I,:).

    Data Types: single | double
    Complex Number Support: Yes

    Index of basis elements identified by the matching pursuit algorithm, returned as a vector. For matching pursuit algorithms, the length of I corresponds to the number of iterations the algorithm needed before termination.

    Data Types: double

    Residual, returned as a vector. The vectors R and Y are equal in size. The residual is defined as R = Y-(A(:,I)*Xr(I,:)) = Y-YI.

    Data Types: single | double
    Complex Number Support: Yes

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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