Wavelets information
Wavelet Family Information
Obtain information regarding the Daubechies wavelets.
Information on Daubechies wavelets. Daubechies Wavelets General characteristics: Compactly supported wavelets with extremal phase and highest number of vanishing moments for a given support width. Associated scaling filters are minimum-phase filters. Family Daubechies Short name db Order N N a positive integer from 1 to 45. Examples db1 or haar, db4, db15 Orthogonal yes Biorthogonal yes Compact support yes DWT possible CWT possible Support width 2N-1 Filters length 2N Regularity about 0.2 N for large N Symmetry far from Number of vanishing moments for psi N Reference: I. Daubechies, Ten lectures on wavelets, CBMS, SIAM, 61, 1994, 194-202.
Input Arguments
— Wavelet family short name
character vector | string scalar | "haar"
| "db"
| "sym"
| "coif"
| ...
Wavelet family short name, specified as a character vector or string
scalar. The wavelet family short name can be for a user-defined wavelet (see
for more
information) or one of the values listed here.
Wavelet Family Short Name | Wavelet Family Name |
"haar" | Haar |
"db" | Daubechies |
"sym" | Symlets |
"coif" | Coiflets |
"bior" | Biorthogonal wavelets |
"fk" | Fejér-Korovkin |
"bl" | Best-localized Daubechies |
"mb" | Morris minimum-bandwidth |
"beyl" | Beylkin |
"vaid" | Vaidyanathan |
"han" | Han linear-phase moments |
"rbio" | Reverse biorthogonal wavelets |
"meyr" | Meyer wavelet |
"dmey" | Discrete approximation of Meyer wavelet |
"gaus" | Gaussian wavelets |
"mexh" | Mexican hat wavelet (also known as Ricker wavelet) |
"morl" | Morlet wavelet |
"cgau" | Complex Gaussian wavelets |
"shan" | Shannon wavelets |
"fbsp" | Frequency B-Spline wavelets |
"cmor" | Complex Morlet wavelets |
Version History
Introduced before R2006a
See Also
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