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WLAN HDL Transmitter

Since R2024b

This example shows how to implement a wireless local area network (WLAN) transmitter for a single-input and single-output (SISO) design. This example generates IEEE® 802.11a/n/ac™ standard WLAN-baseband waveform supporting orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation. The Simulink® model in this example is optimized for HDL code generation and hardware implementation.

This example supports non-high-throughput (Non-HT), high-throughput (HT), and very-high-throughput (VHT) frame formats for the 20 MHz channel bandwidth option, long guard interval, and binary convolutional coding (BCC) channel encoding for the WLAN packet transmission. For more information on the WLAN frame formats and frame structure, see WLAN PPDU Structure (WLAN Toolbox). The WLAN packet includes a preamble field having short-training field (STF), long-training field (LTF), signal fields, data field, and idle time samples. The model in this example accepts modulation and coding scheme (MCS) and frame format along with the valid input bytes of size equal to physical layer conformance procedure service data unit (PSDU) length.

Model Architecture

The following figure shows the high-level architecture of the WLAN transmitter. Based on the input MCS and frame format for the WLAN packet, the model generates the corresponding preamble part and prepends it to the data part.

STF and LTF symbols are read from lookup tables (LUTs). Bit processing modules such as the convolutional encoder and the interleaver process the generated signal bits. Symbol modulator maps the interleaved bits to symbols. Pilot symbols are added at the respective locations according to the frame format to form the signal symbols.

Service, tail, and pad bits are padded to the valid input data bits. The padded bits are scrambled with a scrambler having initial state as 93. The scrambled bits are convolutional encoded with 1/2 rate and punctured according to the input MCS code rate. These punctured bits are serialized using a serializer followed by interleaver and symbol modulation.

The pilot inserted preamble and the non-pilot inserted data symbols for a packet are stored in a random access memory (RAM) and read based on the OFDM Modulator block ready signal. Pilot symbols are inserted for the data symbols at the respective pilot locations before OFDM modulation. The OFDM modulated data is scaled according to the number of active subcarriers in each OFDM symbol. Idle time samples with a value of zero are added after each WLAN packet.

Transmitter Interface

The wlanhdlTransmitter model shows the wlanHDLTx subsystem and its interface.

modelname = 'wlanhdlTransmitter';

Model Inputs:

  • MCS — Modulation and coding scheme, specified as a ufix3 scalar. This port accepts values starting from 0 to 7, which support the modulation types BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM with different code rates.

  • frameFormat — Frame format for the WLAN packet, specified as a ufix2 scalar. This port accepts values 0, 1, and 2 which correspond to Non-HT, HT-MF, and VHT respectively.

  • bitIn — Input payload data of PSDU length bytes, specified as a Boolean scalar.

  • validIn — Valid signal for the input data, specified as a Boolean scalar.

  • start — Start signal to start the WLAN packet transmission, specified as a Boolean scalar.

Model Outputs:

  • txData — Transmitter output, returned as a complex scalar with fixdt(1,32,24) datatype sampled at 20 Msps.

  • txValid — Control signal that validates txData, returned as a Boolean scalar sampled at 20 Msps.

  • ready — Control signal that indicates when to sample input bitIn, MCS, and frameFormat values, returned as a Boolean scalar.

Transmitter Structure

The wlanHDLTx subsystem generates a WLAN packet by processing the input signals at multiple stages.


open_system([modelname '/wlanHDLTx'],'force');

Preamble and Data Symbol Formation

The Preamble and Data Symbol Formation subsystem has Preamble Symbols and Data Symbols subsystems. The Preamble Symbols outputs the pilot inserted preamble symbols and the Data Symbols subsystem outputs the non-pilot inserted data symbols.

open_system([modelname '/wlanHDLTx/Preamble and Data Symbol Formation'],'force');

Preamble Symbols

The Preamble Symbols subsystem generates the pilot-inserted preamble symbols based on the input frame format. For Non-HT frame format, this subsystem output contains the L-STF, L-LTF, and L-SIG symbols. For HT-MF frame format, this subsystem output contains L-STF, L-LTF, L-SIG, HT-SIG, HT-STF, and HT-LTF symbols. For VHT frame format, this subsystem output contains L-STF, L-LTF, L-SIG, VHT-SIGA, VHT-STF, VHT-LTF, and VHT-SIGB symbols. This subsystem has STFLTFFormation, signalBitsFormation, and signalFieldProcessing subsystems. The STFLTFFormation subsystem reads the STF and LTF symbols from the RAMs and places according to the frame format. The signalBitsFormation subsystem generates signal field bits based on the input MCS, frame format, PSDU length, and the computed number of data OFDM symbols. The signalFieldProcessing subsystem encodes these bits with 1/2 rate, interleaves, symbol modulates and adds the pilot symbols at the respective pilot locations corresponding to each signal symbol. The STFs, LTFs, and signal symbols are multiplexed to form the corresponding preamble for the respective input frame format.

open_system([modelname '/wlanHDLTx/Preamble and Data Symbol Formation/Preamble Symbols'],'force');

Data Symbols

The Data Symbols subsystem adds service, tail, and pad bits to the input data bits then scrambles the input data bits in the Scrambler subsystem with the example state in Section of [ 1 ] of the bits. The BCC Encoder subsystem convolutional encodes the data with 1/2 rate and punctures the encoded data according to the code rate of the input MCS value. A Serializer1D (HDL Coder) is used to serialize the data bits after BCC encoding. The Symbol Interleaver subsystem interleaves the data bits based on the MCS value. The Symbol Modulator subsystem forms symbols from the interleaved bits based on the MCS.

open_system([modelname '/wlanHDLTx/Preamble and Data Symbol Formation/Data Symbols'],'force');


The Multiplexer subsystem multiplexes the preamble and data symbols to perform OFDM modulation. This subsystem computes the total number of symbols, total number of OFDM symbols and the total packet length from the number of preamble symbols, the number of data symbols, the number of preamble OFDM symbols, the number of data OFDM symbols, and the idle time samples for each packet.

OFDM Symbol Formation

The OFDM Symbol Formation subsystem writes the multiplexed preamble (pilot-inserted) and data (non-pilot inserted) symbols into memory for each packet at bit rate. The ready signal of the OFDM Modulator block triggers the reading of data from the memory at symbol rate. While reading from the first RAM, output ready signal is made high to accept input data bits for processing and the processed bits are stored in the second RAM. The Read Address Generation and Pilot Insertion subsystem generates the read address for the RAMs and adds the pilots at the respective locations for the data symbols based on the frame format.

open_system([modelname '/wlanHDLTx/OFDM Symbol Formation'],'force');

OFDM Modulation

The OFDM Modulation subsystem has the OFDM Mod Parameters MATLAB function block and the OFDM Modulator block. The OFDM Mod Parameters MATLAB function block generates the OFDM parameters for each OFDM symbol and the OFDM Modulator block performs the OFDM modulation.

open_system([modelname '/wlanHDLTx/OFDM Modulation'],'force');

Scaling and Adding Idle Time Samples

The Scaling and Idle time Addition subsystem performs scaling on the OFDM symbols based on the active subcarriers in each OFDM symbol and adds the idle time samples after each WLAN packet.

open_system([modelname '/wlanHDLTx/Scaling and Idle Time Addition'],'force');

Ready Generation

The Ready Generation subsystem generates a ready signal to accept inputs MCS, frame format, and valid bits. This subsystem accepts start, wrDonePulse, and rdDonePulse as inputs. Start and wrDonePulse trigger the ready generation for the first two packets and rdDonePulse triggers the ready generation for the next packets.

Run Transmitter

Run the runWLANTransmitter MATLAB script to generate the input bits and specify MCS, frame format, number of packets, PSDU or APEP length, and idle time between packets. This script runs the WLAN transmitter model, verifies and compares the model outputs with wlanWaveformGenerator (WLAN Toolbox) function from the WLAN Toolbox™.

Compare Transmitter output
SQNR in dB: real 66.6177 imag 66.8452

HDL Code Generation and Implementation Results

To generate HDL code for this example, you must have an HDL Coder™ license. Run the runWLANTransmitter script and use makehdl and makehdltb commands to generate HDL code and HDL testbench for the wlanHDLTx subsystem. The testbench generation time depends on the simulation time.

You can synthesize the generated HDL code and target on the Xilinx® Zynq® Ultrascale+ RFSoC ZCU111 evaluation board. The table shows the post place and route resource usage results. The maximum frequency of operation is 313 MHz.

F = table(...
    categorical({'Slice LUT'; 'Slice Registers'; 'RAMB36'; 'RAMB18';...
    categorical({'8062'; '10956'; '73'; '8'; '23'}),...

       Resources       Usage
    _______________    _____

    Slice LUT          8062 
    Slice Registers    10956
    RAMB36             73   
    RAMB18             8    
    DSP48              23   


  1. IEEE 802.11-2016 - IEEE Standard for Information technology--Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications.

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