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Creating a feature vector & target vector to feed into neural network

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I am working on handwritten character recognition using neural networks. I am extracting 85*1 features of single image (ex : character 'A'). In the same way I am getting 85 *1 features for each 26 characters. Now, I want to create feature vector and target vector(26 classes) for these extracted features. Can anyone please tell me how to create a single feature vector and target vector for all those extracted features of 26 characters so that I can feed them to neural network?

Respuesta aceptada

Greg Heath
Greg Heath el 11 de Abr. de 2014
size(input) = [ 85 26 ]
target = ind2vec(1:26);
net = patternnet(H) ;% Determine H by trial and error
help patternnet
doc patternnet
Also search using
greg patternnet Ntrials
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer

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