- Check Input Dimensions: Ensure that the input arrays x, y, image, xo, and yo have the correct dimensions and contain sufficient data points.
- Verify Grid and Query Points: x and y should define a grid that corresponds to the dimensions of image. xo and yo should be the points where you want to interpolate the values from image.
- Ensure Non-Empty Arrays: Check that none of the input arrays are empty or have fewer than two elements. You can use size or length to verify this.
- Use Consistent Grid: Ensure that x and y form a meshgrid that covers the range of image. If you're manually defining x and y, they should match the pixel indices of image.
- Debugging: Add checks or print statements to verify the size and content of the arrays before calling interp2.
how to resolve this error and successfully run normalise iris code??
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Error using griddedInterpolant Interpolation requires at least two sample points in each dimension.
Error in interp2/makegriddedinterp (line 220) F = griddedInterpolant(varargin{:});
Error in interp2 (line 125) F = makegriddedinterp({X, Y}, V, method);
Error in normaliseiris (line 126) polar_array = interp2(x,y,image,xo,yo);
Error in createiristemplate (line 90) [polar_array noise_array] = normaliseiris(imagewithnoise, circleiris(2),...
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Respuestas (1)
el 22 de Oct. de 2024
Hello Sumit,
The error you are encountering with interp2 indicates that the function is being called with insufficient data points for interpolation. Specifically, interp2 requires at least two sample points in both the X and Y dimensions to perform interpolation. Let us go through some steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:
Here is an example of how to set up and use interp2 correctly:
% Example image, replace with your actual image
image = rand(100, 100); % 100x100 image for demonstration
% Define x and y grids that match the image dimensions
[x, y] = meshgrid(1:size(image, 2), 1:size(image, 1));
% Define xo and yo, the points where you want to interpolate
% Ensure these are within the bounds of x and y
xo = linspace(1, size(image, 2), 50); % 50 points along x
yo = linspace(1, size(image, 1), 50); % 50 points along y
[xo, yo] = meshgrid(xo, yo);
% Ensure xo and yo have at least two points in each dimension
if numel(xo) < 2 || numel(yo) < 2
error('Interpolation requires at least two sample points in each dimension.');
% Perform interpolation
polar_array = interp2(x, y, image, xo, yo, 'linear'); % 'linear' is an example method
I hope this helps!
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