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Is there a command in Matlab which reads a message and makes it an audio one ?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I am working on an interface in which I need to detect a tumor in different images and calculate its area,I need to display a message "the area of cancer is(value) from the total area" and I want it to be read and listened, is that possible ?
  2 comentarios
Jan el 25 de Mayo de 2014
What is the problem exactly? Do the details about the GUI and its purpose matter?
Mayssa el 26 de Mayo de 2014
no it doesn't really matter, I am looking for a command able to read (with voice) any written message

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Jan el 25 de Mayo de 2014
Under Windows there are several methods to convert text to a speech output to the speakers:
speaker = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer();
speaker.Rate = 1
speaker.Speak('Hello world')
In the FEX you'd find these methods by a simple search:

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