How to accept only numbers in a edit text box?
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el 26 de Ag. de 2011
Comentada: Walter Roberson
el 18 de Dic. de 2017
hi again, i need to input values at seven edit text box but i want to show a window withe erros alert when i input leters. using guide and callback functions it's easy but now i have this at the script:
Temp = uicontrol('style','edit',...
'position',[25 364 101 31],...
'string','Inserir Temperatura.',...
S = get(0,'userdata');
str = '0';
function [] = Temp_call(varargin)
% Callback for secondary GUI editbox.
S = get(0,'userdata');
set(S.ed,'string',get(gcbo,'string')) % Set gui_passdata editbox string.
and with guide when i've done another project, i use this code:
input = str2num(get(hObject,'String'));
if (isempty(input))
guidata(hObject, handles);
can i use this code? i don't know how to use because there's no handles
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Respuesta aceptada
Fangjun Jiang
el 26 de Ag. de 2011
Temp = uicontrol('style','edit',...
'position',[25 364 101 31],...
'string','Inserir Temperatura.',...
function Temp_call(src,eventdata)
if isempty(str2num(str))
warndlg('Input must be numerical');
2 comentarios
Jose Antonio Salcedo Simon
el 18 de Dic. de 2017
Editada: Walter Roberson
el 18 de Dic. de 2017
Hi Fangjun,
I'm a little new, could you give me a more detailed example?
I have this code:
caja_lonsat= uicontrol('style','edit','Units','normalized','pos',tex(29,:),...
What else do I need? Thanks so much.
Walter Roberson
el 18 de Dic. de 2017
caja_lonsat= uicontrol('style', 'edit', 'Units', 'normalized', 'pos', tex(29,:), ...
'ForegroundColor', 'black', 'String', num2str(lonsat,'%4.2f'), ...
'Horizontalalignment', 'left', ...
'Backgroundcolor', 'white', 'Fontsize', 12, ...
'Callback', @temp_call);
Along with
function Temp_call(src,eventdata)
str = get(src, 'String');
if isnan(str2double(str))
set(src, 'String',' 0');
warndlg('Input must be numerical');
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