The resulting weights and biases of the autoencoder training doesn't give the same encoded value when calculated manually.
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%% Generate mxk Cosine wave training data with noise
n = [0:99]';
b = 0.15*pi;
w = b*ones(1,1000);
S = cos(w.*n);
[m,k] = size(S);
a = 0.375; % noise variance
X = S+sqrt(a)*randn(m,k);
%% Define the no. of hidden layers
hiddenSize = 2;
%% Build the autoencoder
autoenc = trainAutoencoder(X,hiddenSize,...
'MaxEpochs', 1000, ...
%% View AE structure
%% Generate 10 testing data and plot against predicted and original signals
for i=1:10
X_test = cos(b*n)+sqrt(a)*randn(m,1);
xReconstructed = predict(autoenc,X_test);
subplot(2,1,1), plot(n, X_test,n, xReconstructed,'Linewidth',2)
grid on
%% ..........................
subplot(2,1,2), plot(n, cos(b*n),n, xReconstructed,'Linewidth',2)
grid on
WW = autoenc.EncoderWeights; % WW are the weights after autoencoder training
BB = autoenc.EncoderBiases; % BB are the biases after autoencoder training
X_test = cos(b*n);
encoded_result = encode(autoenc,X_test)
encoded_result =
0.0956 % the value of the hidden neurons after using the function encoded
then we use the equation of encoded which is
our code is
encoded_manually = ((WW * X_test) + BB);
we use sigmoid function
for i3 = 1:hiddenSize
logsig(i3,1) = 1 / (1 + exp(-encoded_manually(i3,1)));
finally our results :
logsig =
So, there is a mismatch between the results when calculated using the function "encode" and when calculated manually using the function.provided in the website for the function "encode"
if anyone can help us to know where is the mistake in our code and how can we have same result between encoded function and manual function
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Respuestas (1)
Anshika Chaurasia
el 8 de Oct. de 2021
Editada: Anshika Chaurasia
el 8 de Oct. de 2021
The reason for discrepancy is that the inputs are preprocessed before encoding i.e., inputs are transformed using the 'mapminmax' function.
You can also notice this by converting the autoencoder to a network object:
net = network(autoenc);
Try the following snippet to manually calculate:
net = network(autoenc);
% preprocess data
for iii = 1:numel(net.inputs{1}.processFcns)
inputs = feval( net.inputs{1}.processFcns{iii}, ...
'apply', X_test, net.inputs{1}.processSettings{iii} );
% manually encode
encoded_manually = satlin((WW * inputs) + BB)
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