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Windows Real-Time Target - Serious Lag

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Arne el 8 de Oct. de 2014
Comentada: Muhammad Khurram Saleem el 6 de Oct. de 2016
I experience serious lag-behind of a minimalistic Simulink model containing only a Real-Time Synchronization Block. As far as I can tell the problem only occurs on our Windows 7 SP1, x64 machine with i7 and 8GB of RAM. Another machine (Win 7, x64, 8GB RAM, i5) does not show this problem.
The model is configured for a 0.1sec sample time, which should be well within the capabilities of the hardware.
The Windows Real-Time Kernel reports version 4.4.0, shipped with MATLAB 2014a.

Respuestas (2)

Sandip Kumar
Sandip Kumar el 9 de Oct. de 2014
This is something not expected. One possible cause for the slow performance would be the 'CPU Power Management' options in BIOS, which interferes with the real-time kernel hence leading to slow performance.
Disable the power management options specific to your CPU in BIOS options and re-run the Simulink model with the block.
Thanks, Sandip, MathWorks
  1 comentario
Alireza Manzoori
Alireza Manzoori el 17 de Dic. de 2015
I am experiencing a similar problem, explained here . Did this solution work?

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Suneesh el 10 de Oct. de 2014
1. Are you using the Synchronization block and running the model in Normal mode? Perhaps you could try the external mode and see if you notice the lag:
2. When you enable "Show missed ticks port" does it indicate any missed ticks?
  1 comentario
Muhammad Khurram Saleem
Muhammad Khurram Saleem el 6 de Oct. de 2016
Hi, Iam having the same problem. No of missed ticks stays @ zero. still simulations are running slower than real time .

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