Discrete FIR Filter for Embedded Targets

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Daniel el 18 de Feb. de 2011
I noticed that the Sample Time in the Simulink Discrete FIR Filter block is programmable. Does that translate well over to the embedded target. The filter i'm creating will essential be used for analog inputs with different sample times, just want to make sure there won't be any surprises.

Respuestas (2)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind el 22 de Feb. de 2011
The sample time parameter is typically only significant for simulation. For code generation, what matters is the relative rates of blocks in the system compared to the "base rate". There is no sample-time inlined into the code - you must write wrapper code that uses timers/interrupts to run the model "step" function at the appropriate base rate.

Daniel el 22 de Feb. de 2011
I ran a quick test where i programmed a serial message to come out and i basically changed the sample time in subsystem parameters to 3. Now the message comes out once every 3 seconds. This leads me to believe that editing sample time on a block does affect execution of the embedded target's application.
I would have to do a more extensive test to see if editing the sample time on the discrete filter has the same affect, although i have a feeling it will.


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