I have two tables with different column names and different number of rows. Column 3 of table A for example is missing some entries that are present in column 2 of table B. I want to add the missing entries from B into A based on the values in another column, say column 2 of table A. However, not all the same entries are present in the two tables for the key.
For example, the two tables look like this:
A = table({'John','Jane','Jim','Jerry','Jill'}',[1;2;1;3;1], {'', '', '', 'Mat',''}', ...
'VariableNames',{'Employee' 'Department', 'Manager'})
B = table([1 2]',{'Mary' 'Mike'}',...
'VariableNames',{'Department' 'Manager'})
If I try using the "join" function, I get an error because there are more Departments in A than in B.
>> join(A,B)
Error using table/join (line 128)
The key variables for A and B cannot contain any missing values.
How can I do this?