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1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
shiv gaur
shiv gaur el 2 de Feb. de 2022
Cerrada: Stephen23 el 2 de Feb. de 2022
w1 = 2*a; be1 = be; % save previous results for 2a=100
L1 = -1/2/imag(be1)/k0/1000; % propagation length in microns
wmax = pi/k0*sqrt(abs(real(ec)+1)) % max L at wmax = 1402.49 nm
bemax = pwg(la0,ef,ec,wmax/2,bcinf,0,tol); % bemax = 1.030361 - 0.000577i
Lmax = -1/2./imag(bemax)/k0/1000; % Lmax = 89.5901 microns
w = (5:10:3500); a = w/2; % vector of gap thicknesses w in nm
for i=1:length(w) % PWG method
be(i) = pwg(la0,ef,ec,a(i),bcinf,0,tol); % la0,ef,ec,bcinf,tol, as above
L = -1/2./imag(be)/k0/1000; % propagation length in micrometers
ac = sqrt(be.^2 - ec); ga = sqrt(be.^2 - ef);
E = abs(pc*ac + ga.*tanh(ga.*a*k0)); % vector of computational errors
figure; plot(w,real(be),’-’, w1,real(be1),’.’); % plot effective index
figure; plot(w,L,’-’, w1,L1,’.’, wmax,Lmax,’ro’); % plot propagation length
% ---------- iterative version ----------
for i=1:length(w)
binit = bcinf; % initialize iteration
ga = sqrt(binit^2 - ef);
ac = sqrt(binit^2 - ec);
N(i) = 1; % number of iterations for i-th thickness
while 1
ga_new = -pc*ac*coth(ga*a(i)*k0);
if abs(ga_new-ga) < tol, break; end
ga = ga_new;
beit(i) = sqrt(ga^2 + ef); % beta for i-th thickness
ac = sqrt(beit(i)^2 - es);
N(i) = N(i)+1;
end % end while-loop
end % end for-loop
ac = sqrt(beit.^2 -ec); ga = sqrt(beit.^2 - ef);
Eit = abs(pc*ac + ga.*tanh(ga.*a*k0)); % vector of errors
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