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Diebold Li - DieboldLi.​fitBetasFr​omYields

5 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
John el 30 de Nov. de 2014
Comentada: ZHENG HOU el 2 de Abr. de 2017
Hello all.
I've been working on Diebold Li model and got everything working fine. But, for some reason, Matlab is telling me now that "Undefined variable "DieboldLi" or class "DieboldLi.fitBetasFromYields" whenever I try to run the program. It seems like DieboldLi function got erased from my memory. Is this right? Help. Thx
  2 comentarios
John el 30 de Nov. de 2014
The loop I'm trying to run is:
for jdx = 1:size(EstimationData,1) tmpCurveModel = DieboldLi.fitBetasFromYields(EOMDates(jdx),lambda_t*12,daysadd(EOMDates(jdx),30*TimeToMat),EstimationData(jdx,:)'); Beta(jdx,:) = [tmpCurveModel.Beta1 tmpCurveModel.Beta2 tmpCurveModel.Beta3]; end
which is given on the matlab site.
ZHENG HOU el 2 de Abr. de 2017
Hello, I'm afraid you have solved your problem, but I'm studying DieboldLi model for my paper. Maybe we can talk about it if you are still interested in it.(:D)

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