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Why am I getting the not enough inputs error on line 63 when defining matrix (f=)?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
% Clearing all values to ensure code runs properly
clc; clear;
% Initiating timer
% Setting number of data points 'n' to 100 as to analyze 100 incrimiates of θ_2 between 0 and 2PI
n = 360;
% Defining known variables R2, R3, and R4 in inches
r2 = 55.18;
r3 = 27.59;
r4 = 27.59;
% Defining known and angle theta1 and setting input
% angle of θ_2 to have 'n' number of incriminates from 0 to 2PI
th1 = 0;
th2 = linspace(0,2*pi,n);
% Defining inital guesses for each unknown value theta3,theta4,theta5,and R5
th3guess = 50;
th4guess = 50;
th5guess = 35;
r5guess = 45.18;
% Pre allocated a nx4 matrix of zeros to improve speed. This is done
% because as each position of θ_2 is solved, 4 variables (th3,th4,th5,R5)
% will be solved.
m = zeros(n,4)
% Beginning 'for' loop to iterativly solve for each unknown variable,
% evaluating each postion of theta 2 from postion in column 1 to column 'n'
% This iterative process is done using the NR function which is a Newton
% Raphson function definied later in the function section.
for i = 1:n
% In this function th3, th4, th5, and R5 are outputs to the function and
% inital guesses, known values, and 'n' positions of θ_2 are inputs
[th3,th4,th5,r5] = NR(th1,th2(i),th3guess,th4guess,th5guess,r2,r3,r4,r5guess);
% Each loop produces th3, R3, R4, and R5 for the correspoinding
% position of th2
th3guess = th3;
th4guess = th4;
th5guess = th5;
r5guess = r5;
% 'm(i,:)' saves output data from each loop into a matrix for ease of
% analysis
m(i,:) = [th3,th4,th5,r5]
% Ending timer
function [th3,th4,th5,r5] = NR(~,~,~,th3guess,th4guess,th5guess,r2,r3,r4,r5guess)
% Function 'NR' is a Newton Raphson function that inputs known/defined
% variables, an input variable 'th2', as well as inital guesses for unknown
% function uses Ax = b --> x = A\b (backslash method) to iteratively produce
% and update guesses until the output meets the defined convergence criterion
% for convergence is met, the solution of unknown 'x' array of variables is
% Setting criterion for convergence as 1e-6
epsilon = 1e-6;
% Initial residual matrix formulation
f = [-(r2 + r3.*cos(th3guess) - r4.*cos(th4guess));...
-(0 + r3.*sin(th3guess) - r4.*sin(th4guess));...
-(r3.*cos(th3guess) + r5guess - r4.*cos(th4guess));... %<== where the error occurs
-(r3.*sin(th3guess) + 0 - r4.*sin(th4guess))];
% iteration counter begins at 0
iter = 0;
% while statement confirming convergence criterion using 'norm' function
% for residual
while norm(f)>epsilon
% for each 'while' loop iteration 1 is added to iteration counter
iter = iter + 1;
% Jacobian for data is set to be evaluated
J = [-r3.*sin(th3guess),-r4.*sin(th4guess),0,0;...
% change in all variabels in displayed by 'dth' which builds a matrix
% of values to be added to inital guesses.
dth = J\f;
th3guess = th3guess+dth(1);
th4guess = th4guess+dth(2);
th5guess = th5guess+dth(3);
r5guess = r5guess+dth(4);
% residual is now redifined with updated guesses and loop continues
% until convergence is reached and unknown 'x' values are produced.
f = [-(r2 + r3.*cos(th3guess) - r4.*cos(th4guess));...
-(0 + r3.*sin(th3guess) - r4.*sin(th4guess));...
-(r3.*cos(th3guess) + r5guess - r4.*cos(th4guess));...
-(r3.*sin(th3guess) + 0 - r4.*sin(th4guess))];
% setting break criterion is iterations do not converge.
if iter > 100
% converged values of unknown variables are output as th3 for
% theta3, th4 for theta4, th5 for theta5,and r5
th3 = th3guess;
th4 = th4guess;
th5 = th5guess;
r5 = r5guess;

Respuesta aceptada

Torsten el 20 de Feb. de 2022
function [th3,th4,th5,r5] = NR(~,~,th3guess,th4guess,th5guess,r2,r3,r4,r5guess)
instead of
function [th3,th4,th5,r5] = NR(~,~,~,th3guess,th4guess,th5guess,r2,r3,r4,r5guess)
  7 comentarios
Torsten el 21 de Feb. de 2022
How can the Jacobian depend on th5 if th5 does not appear in the function definition for f ?
Also check the Jacobian - I think some partials are wrong.

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