Run a simulink/script from a pushbutton

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Nu9 el 28 de Sept. de 2011
Editada: TABOUNI Khadidja el 22 de Mayo de 2017
i've a script in a PB_function and when i push the button it shows me a lot off errors.Running the originar script without the PB it works but when i use in PB_function doesn't work:
??? Error using ==> gui_passdata>pb2_call at 438
Error due to multiple causes.
Caused by:
Error using ==> gui_passdata>pb2_call at 438
Error evaluating parameter 'VariableName' in
'modelo_pilha1/B': Undefined function or variable 'P1'.
in the scrip i've a simulink model that uses the variable P1 but i don't change anything and it doesn't work.
P1=[t PP1];
to run the simulink model
load_system('modelo_pilha1'); % correr simulink e obter Vsimulado
  2 comentarios
TAB el 28 de Sept. de 2011
Which block is using 'P1' in your model ?
Where the value of 'P1' is defined?
Is it defined in base workspace?
Nu9 el 28 de Sept. de 2011
when i run the original script it saves in workspace all the variables. The value P1 isn't defined in the script.
The block tiype is-from workspace

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TAB el 28 de Sept. de 2011
From workspace block reads wariable from base workapace.
If you are defining and writing P1 variable from pushbutton callback function, then it will not saved in base workspace. Every function have its own workspace and they not shares variables.
Try saving P1 in .mat file and load this .mat in base wokspace before starting the simulation.
P1=[t PP1];
%load model & Simulate
load_system('modelo_pilha1'); % correr simulink e obter Vsimulado sim('modelo_pilha1');
  4 comentarios
Nu9 el 29 de Sept. de 2011
thanks for thr tip, now i need to solve just a problem about some variables, some are vector or matrices.I don't find th way to save that type off data in save doc and other doc's, only shows struct.
one of the variables- V value in workspace - <10x8x51 double>
TAB el 29 de Sept. de 2011
'save' funcn saves all type of data into .mat file whatever its type. You just define your data and run 'save' function.
You can check yourself on base workspace.
Define Arruays, Matrices, Structures.... or any kind of data in Command window. These variables will be placed in base workspace.
Now run 'save' function in command window to save base workspace in a .mat file. Clear all the data from base workspace by hitting 'clear all' command.
Now load your .mat using 'load'. You can see all the defined data in workspace.
Same concept applies to function workspace.

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Más respuestas (1)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind el 28 de Sept. de 2011
By default, Simulink looks for parameter variables in the base workspace. You variable P1 is created in the function workspace, where Simulink isn't looking. To have it looks for P1 in the current/function workspace, use:
Alternatively, you can follow Tabrez's suggestion of loading the variables into the base workspace.
  3 comentarios
TABOUNI Khadidja
TABOUNI Khadidja el 22 de Mayo de 2017
did this answer hel you?
TABOUNI Khadidja
TABOUNI Khadidja el 22 de Mayo de 2017
Editada: TABOUNI Khadidja el 22 de Mayo de 2017
i need to do the same thing but save whatever the sim func gives me

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