Read csv file 2 and 3rd row and store them in different matrices
1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
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Alex Perrakis
el 26 de Abr. de 2022
Comentada: Alex Perrakis
el 26 de Abr. de 2022
Hello Guys and Girls,
i have a .csv file which i attach and i want to read the first row and put it in a matrix and the second row and put it in another matrix as they are different values from a measurement.
I have written this script until now
close all
%Parameters for GRR
appraisersCount = 4; gapCount =118; measurementsPerSample = 15;
amountOfLayers = 3;
% Choose Folder for Gap Analysis
URL = uigetdir('C:\_Daten\Messungen\');
% tic
% Open URL
appraisers = dir(URL); appraisers(1:2) = [];
counter = 0;
% for a = 1:appraisersCount
% samplesURL = [URL '\' appraisers(a).name];
% samples = dir(samplesURL); samples(1:2) = [];
% measurementsURL = [URL '\' appraisers(s+2).name];
measurements = dir(URL); measurements(1:2) = [];
% folderspec = 'C:\_Daten\Messungen\WS\Teil 8_1\Teil 8';
% D = dir('C:\_Daten\Messungen\WS\Teil 8_1\Teil 8\*.csv');
for s = 1:44
% measurementsURL = [URL '\' appraisers(s+2).name];
% measurements = dir(URL); measurements(1:2) = [];
% %
% for m = 1:measurementsPerSample
% counter=counter+1;
% measurementURL = [measurementsURL '\' measurements(m).name];
file=fullfile( URL, measurements(s,1).name);
% table=readtable(file);
fid = fopen( file );
frequencies = fgets(fid);
frequencies = sscanf(frequencies,'%f');
% dataColumns = length(frequencies)*2; %*2 cause data contain real + imag
% stringData = fscanf(fid,'%s');
% stringData = strrep(stringData,',-1,',',"-1",');
% stringData = strrep(stringData,',1,',',"1",');
% stringData = strrep(stringData,',0,',',"0",');
% stringData = strrep(stringData,'","',' ');
% stringData = strrep(stringData,',"',' ');
% stringData = strrep(stringData,'",',' ');
% stringData = strrep(stringData,'"',' ');
% stringData = strrep(stringData,',','.');
% data = sscanf(stringData, '%f');
% %
% data = reshape(data,dataColumns,[]);
% data = data';
% data_1(s,:)=data;
% end
% dataReal=data_1(:,1:2:end);
% dataIma=data_1(:,2:2:end);
% figure (1)
% plot (frequencies,dataReal(1:10,:),'r',frequencies,dataReal(11:20,:),'b',frequencies,dataReal(21:35,:),'k',frequencies,dataReal(36:46,:),'c',frequencies,dataReal(47:118,:),'g')
% xlabel ('Frequency in [Mhz]');
% ylabel ('Real Part of the Voltage')
% grid on
% figure (2)
% plot (frequencies,dataIma(1:10,:),'r',frequencies,dataIma(11:20,:),'b',frequencies,dataIma(21:35,:),'k',frequencies,dataIma(36:46,:),'c',frequencies,dataIma(47:118,:),'g')
% xlabel ('Frequency in [Mhz]');
% ylabel ('Imaginary Part of the Voltage')
% grid on
% figure (3)
% abstand =95.5:0.1:97.5';
% surf (dataReal(:,:),'LineStyle','none')
% colormap jet
% figure (4)
% surf (dataIma(:,:),'LineStyle','none')
% colormap jet
% phi=phase(dataReal,dataIma);
% xlabel ('Real part of Voltage');
% ylabel ('Imaginary Part of Voltage')
% grid on
% figure (5)
% plot (frequencies,phi(1:10,:),'r',frequencies,phi(11:20,:),'b',frequencies,phi(21:35,:),'k',frequencies,phi(36:46,:),'c',frequencies,phi(47:118,:),'g')
% xlabel ('Frequency in [Mhz]');
% ylabel ('Phase')
% grid on
% figure (6)
% plot(dataReal,dataIma)
% xlabel ('Real part of Voltage');
% ylabel ('Imaginary Part of Voltage')
% grid on
% diffreal=diff(dataReal);
% figure (7)
% surf (diffreal)
% absolut=mag(dataReal,dataIma);
% figure(8)
% grid on
% plot(frequencies,absolut(1:10,:),'r',frequencies,absolut(11:20,:),'b',frequencies,absolut(21:30,:),'k',frequencies,absolut(31:46,:),'c',frequencies,absolut(47:118,:),'g')
% ylabel('Magnitude of Voltage');
% xlabel('Frequency');
% grid on
% % %figure (2)
% % % plot (frequencies(30),data_1(:,60))
% % figure (8)
% % plot (frequencies(40:50,1),dataReal(6:19,40:50))
% % xlabel ('Frequencies')
% % ylabel ('Real part of Voltage')
% % % figure (9)
% % % plot (frequencies(125:137,1),phi(:,125:137))
% % figure (10)
% % plot (frequencies(20:49,1),dataIma(10:15,20:49))
ignore the comments please as they do not matter for now. Thank you for your help.
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Respuesta aceptada
Akira Agata
el 26 de Abr. de 2022
How about the following?
% File path
url = '';
% Read data
% (1) Looking at your data, decimal separator is ','. So you have to
% explicitly indicate that by using 'DecimalSeparator' option.
% (2) Since 2nd and 3rd line starts with tab, MATLAB treats 1st line as
% a hedder line. So you have to explicitly states 'NumHeaderLines' = 0.
A = readmatrix(url,...
'DecimalSeparator', ',',...
'NumHeaderLines', 0);
% Extract each row with eliminating NaN
data1 = rmmissing(A(1,:));
data2 = rmmissing(A(2,:));
data3 = rmmissing(A(3,:));
% Try to plot??
plot(data1, data2)
hold on
plot(data1, data3)
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