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How to create the following shape as binary image In MATLAB

12 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Hello every one i hope you are doing well.
I have the following two plot, I want to create a dataset in binary image form like same shape . How can i do it in MATLAB.
Can anybody help me in that

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 30 de Mayo de 2022
Editada: Image Analyst el 30 de Mayo de 2022
Not sure what you want. Do you want a binary image (just pure black and pure white) where the white background is black and the blue spots and curve is white?
Try this:
% Demo by Image Analyst
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
fontSize = 22;
markerSize = 40;
folder = pwd;
baseFileName = 'image-000.jpg';
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);
% Check if file exists.
if ~exist(fullFileName, 'file')
% The file doesn't exist -- didn't find it there in that folder.
% Check the entire search path (other folders) for the file by stripping off the folder.
fullFileNameOnSearchPath = baseFileName; % No path this time.
if ~exist(fullFileNameOnSearchPath, 'file')
% Still didn't find it. Alert user.
errorMessage = sprintf('Error: %s does not exist in the search path folders.', fullFileName);
rgbImage = imread(fullFileName);
% Get the dimensions of the image.
% numberOfColorChannels should be = 1 for a gray scale image, and 3 for an RGB color image.
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(rgbImage)
% Display the image.
subplot(2, 2, 1);
axis('on', 'image');
title('Original Color Image', 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
if numberOfColorChannels > 1
% It's not really gray scale like we expected - it's color.
fprintf('It is not really gray scale like we expected - it is color\n');
% Extract the blue channel.
grayImage = rgbImage(:, :, 3);
grayImage = rgbImage;
% Update the dimensions of the image.
% numberOfColorChannels should be = 1 for a gray scale image, and 3 for an RGB color image.
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(grayImage)
% Maximize window.
g = gcf;
g.WindowState = 'maximized';
% Display histogram.
subplot(2, 2, [2, 4]);
grid on;
title('Histogram of Image', 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
% Binarize the image to get a mask.
lowThreshold = 0;
highThreshold = 230;
% threshold(lowThreshold, highThreshold, grayImage);
mask = grayImage >= lowThreshold & grayImage <= highThreshold;
% Put red threshold line on histogram so they know where it was thresholded at.
xline(highThreshold, 'Color', 'r', 'LineWidth', 2)
% Display mask image.
subplot(2, 2, 3);
hold on;
axis('on', 'image');
title('Mask, a Binary Image', 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
  3 comentarios
Med Future
Med Future el 31 de Mayo de 2022
@Image Analyst The image i have attached is just sample i want to create that kind of plot and then convert it into binary image as you show the method. with black background and white forground
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 31 de Mayo de 2022
You can use exportgraphics to save plots as images.

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Más información sobre Image Processing Toolbox en Help Center y File Exchange.




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