
Image Analyst

Last seen: Today Con actividad desde 2010

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Senior Scientist (male/man) and Inventor in one of the world's 10 largest industrial corporations doing image analysis full time. Ph.D. in Optical Sciences specializing in imaging, image processing, and image analysis. 44+ years of military, academic, and (mostly) industrial experience with image analysis programming and algorithm development. Experience designing custom light booths and other imaging systems. Experience with color and monochrome imaging, video analysis, thermal, ultraviolet, hyperspectral, CT, MRI, radiography, profilometry, microscopy, NIR and Raman spectroscopy, etc. on a huge variety of subjects. Member of the Mathworks Community Advisory Board. Be sure to click "View All" in my File Exchange to see ALL of my demos and tutorials: Professional Interests: Image analysis and processing

Programming Languages:
MATLAB, Visual Basic
Spoken Languages:
Professional Interests:
Image Data Workflows, Industrial Statistics, Image Processing and Computer Vision


  • MATLAB Central Treasure Hunt Finisher
  • Most Accepted 2023
  • Most Accepted 2022
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  • Personal Best Downloads Level 5
  • Editor's Pick
  • Most Accepted 2021
  • First Review
  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 5
  • First Submission
  • 36 Month Streak
  • Most Accepted 2014

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Hi,I tray RUN this code but i get tis error ( below the code)
@B Your index is bigger than 12784, which is the max index m90_plot can take. Put these lines in and tell us what you see in th...

1 día hace | 0

Plotting a graph based on a large table
Theo, would using imshow or imagesc work? data = readmatrix(filename); imshow(data, []); axis('on', 'image') xlabel('Colu...

8 días hace | 0

Deployed Matlab function with strage errors: functions not found
Christian: See the FAQ:'t_run_on_the_target_computer._What_can_...

9 días hace | 0

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embedding inset plots in subplots matlab
For what it's worth (may help someone in the future) I'm attaching my demos for inserting inset plots and images inside other pl...

9 días hace | 0

Can't bring up matlab
See the FAQ and do exactly what it says to do in there:,_MATLAB_crashes_o...

9 días hace | 0

enlarge a curved arc with rounded edges, only from the rounded edge
Try bwskel then bwmorph to find the endpoints. Mask off a certain radius from the endpoints then use imdilate to grow them bigg...

10 días hace | 0

How to segment an Image using threshold and region growing
Here's one possible way. I wrote the attached script to emulate what Adobe Photoshop's Magic Wand tool does. Also there are re...

11 días hace | 0

Region GRowing image segmentation
Here's one possible way. I wrote the attached script to emulate what Adobe Photoshop's Magic Wand tool does. Also there are re...

11 días hace | 0

Why did CD folder; give such a goofy error message when I just forgot ()
Since apploc is a variable that contains the actual folder name, you need to use the functional form of cd: cd(apploc); If you...

12 días hace | 0

How do I skip items in a legend?
Every time you plot, get the handle to the points or curves. Then pass only those that you want into legend. Here is a full de...

13 días hace | 0

Smooth noisy data whilst keep absolute minimum and maximum values
In spectroscopy there are a number of baseline correction algorithms that do what you're asking. Google it. Or search this for...

13 días hace | 0

isotropic expansion for a mask with anisotropic voxels
I'm not sure how many voxels per mm you have. Is 0.9 mm the voxel width? You can use imdilate but be aware that you'll probabl...

13 días hace | 0

How to draw isolines between points?
You have to make a continuous field (grid) of values using scatteredInterpolant. See attached demo to make that field. Then us...

16 días hace | 0

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How to turn a movie into a gif?
See the official Matrhworks support team Answer:

16 días hace | 0

matlab code for face detection using RGB space color && skin color
RGB is probably the worst color space you can do skin segmentation in. HSI, HSL, LCH are better? Why? Because the skin gamut ...

16 días hace | 0

Can Matlab create an Excel object and write table to it without saving it to a location?
If you're using Windows I know how to do it. You can use ActiveX programming to open Excel as a server then send commands to Ex...

18 días hace | 0

Matlab R2024b won't start due to missing dll files
Do exactly what it says in the FAQ:,_the_installer_crashes,_hangs,_gives_...

18 días hace | 0

How programmatically know if an Update is installed for a particular matlab release?
s = ver for k = 1 : numel(s) fprintf('#%d, Using %s, Version %s, Release %s, Date %s\n', ... k, s(k).Name, s(k).Version, s...

19 días hace | 0

Not able to see where the index is going past 5
Names only has 4 strings in it, not 5 so that's why you get the error. The code is not very robust. Here, I've improved it by ...

21 días hace | 0

How to extract pixel intensity of a grayscale image (*.jpg) to a MS Excel table
See my attached demo that writes an image out to a CSV text file that can be read in by Excel.

22 días hace | 0

Extracting metrics from cellular pattern
Try this: clear all; close all; clc % Load the synthetic detonation pattern image gray_image = imread('CellularPattern_Test.p...

22 días hace | 0

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What is the ratio of area of the flame between the last frame and the first? What is wrong with my approach? I am getting an incorrect answer upon submission.
Try different thresholds to see which one gives you the correct answer. Maybe you were not using the same threshold as the inst...

23 días hace | 1

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Extracting metrics from cellular pattern
I think I can get fairly close. Can you give the code where you start with the image and get the binary/segmented image of the ...

24 días hace | 0

Is there a meaningful guideline on when to use parentheses vs square brackets vs curly brackets in writing MatLab code?
@Jerome yes there is. If you look at this FAQ entry: What is a cell array I think that it gives a pretty good intuitive idea ...

25 días hace | 1

This is face morphing. Now I want to save and convert to a gif image format.
That is not face morphing. Morphing is not just a weighted sum of images. The image needs to be warped before adding. So you ...

25 días hace | 0

If f1(x,y)≤z≤f2(x,y), how to draw the range of z?
Do you want just the magnitude of the range, without visualizing the starting and stopping points? If so you can just subtract ...

26 días hace | 0

Unable to create a exponential graph
I don't know how to do it in Simulink, but this seems to work fine in MATLAB: uTemperatureRange = linspace(10, 200, 1000); yDe...

28 días hace | 0

How to quantify shape similarity between two vectors.
See the Mathworks page on spectral signature matching:

28 días hace | 0

Exporting Graphs from Matlab App in PNG or JPG
Assuming it's the current/active figure, try exportgraphics(gcf, 'ECRTools.png'); in the command window. help exportgraphics

28 días hace | 0

Automatically add prefix to loaded sheetname, and output,
You have a new workbook with the new name 'reshapedMaleControl.xlsx'. If your original workbook had multiple sheets, it looks l...

28 días hace | 0

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