enhancement: build-in function "detectChe​ckerboardP​oints" unsatisfactory corners results

5 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
When I did the corner detection on a fisheye image, no matter how I adjusted the parameters and thresholdsHighDistortion,MinCornerMetric,PartialDetections), it was difficult to detect the corner, but when I switched to Opencv, I could detect it easily and quickly, and the built-in functions were shown to be improved.
The original image of my fisheye image is attached
oriImg = imread("right.jpg");
[points,boderSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(oriImg,HighDistortion=true,MinCornerMetric=0.10);
if isempty(points)
disp("can't detect corners!")
can't detect corners!

Respuesta aceptada

cui,xingxing el 19 de Sept. de 2022
Editada: cui,xingxing el 19 de Sept. de 2022
I currently use Mex C++ available relatively easy to use opencv function to find the corner point, the following is the reference program:
* @file :findCheckerBoarderCorners.cpp
* @brief :This is a brief description
* @details :使用opencv来找畸变图像角点,MATLAB函数效果较差,故采用mex编写。参考:Managing External Resources from MEX Functions
* @date :2022/09/17 16:00:46
* @author :cuixingxing(cuixingxing150@gmail.com)
* @version :1.0
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2022
#include "mex.hpp"
#include "mexAdapter.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
using matlab::mex::ArgumentList;
using namespace matlab::data;
class MexFunction : public matlab::mex::Function {
// Pointer to MATLAB engine
std::shared_ptr<matlab::engine::MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = getEngine();
// Factory to create MATLAB data arrays
ArrayFactory factory;
void operator()(ArgumentList outputs, ArgumentList inputs) {
checkArguments(outputs, inputs);
matlab::data::TypedArray<uint8_t> fishEyeImg = std::move(inputs[0]);
matlab::data::TypedArray<double> patternCheckerBoard = std::move(inputs[1]); // 内点角点rows by cols
cv::Size patternRowsByCols = cv::Size( patternCheckerBoard[1], patternCheckerBoard[0]);
cv::Size oriImgS = cv::Size(fishEyeImg.getDimensions()[1], fishEyeImg.getDimensions()[0]);
// step1: convert matlab matrix to opencv Mat
cv::Mat oriImg;
bool is3Channels = fishEyeImg.getDimensions()[2] == 3;
if (is3Channels)
oriImg = cv::Mat::zeros(oriImgS, CV_8UC3);
for (size_t i = 0; i < fishEyeImg.getDimensions()[0]; i++) {
cv::Vec3b* data = oriImg.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);
for (size_t j = 0; j < fishEyeImg.getDimensions()[1]; j++) {
data[j] = cv::Vec3b((uchar)fishEyeImg[i][j][2], (uchar)fishEyeImg[i][j][1], (uchar)fishEyeImg[i][j][0]);
oriImg = cv::Mat::zeros(oriImgS, CV_8UC1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < fishEyeImg.getDimensions()[0]; i++) {
uchar* data = oriImg.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (size_t j = 0; j < fishEyeImg.getDimensions()[1]; j++) {
data[j] = (uchar)fishEyeImg[i][j];
// step2:opencv function operations
std::vector<cv::Point2f> corners; // must be "float" type instead of "double" type, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70167318/error-215assertion-failed-count-0-in-function-cornersubpix-in-camera27
cv::Mat gray;
if (is3Channels)
cv::cvtColor(oriImg, gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
gray = oriImg;
bool isFound = cv::findChessboardCorners(gray, patternRowsByCols, corners, cv::CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH + cv::CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK + cv::CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE);
if (isFound)
cv::cornerSubPix(gray, corners, cv::Size(3, 3), cv::Size(-1, -1), cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER + cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.1));
displayOnMATLAB("cv::findChessboardCorners can't find corners,try change your patternSize!\n");
// step3:convert opencv to matlab type
matlab::data::TypedArray<float> outCorners = factory.createArray<float>({corners.size(), 2});
for (size_t i = 0; i < corners.size(); i++) {
outCorners[i][0] = corners[i].x;
outCorners[i][1] = corners[i].y;
outputs[0] = std::move(outCorners);
void displayOnMATLAB(const std::ostringstream &stream) {
matlabPtr->feval(u"fprintf", 0,
void displayOnMATLAB(const std::string& str) {
matlabPtr->feval(u"fprintf", 0,
std::vector<Array>({ factory.createScalar(str) }));
void checkArguments(matlab::mex::ArgumentList outputs, matlab::mex::ArgumentList inputs) {
if (inputs.size() != 2) {
0, std::vector<matlab::data::Array>({factory.createScalar("应输入2个参数fisheyeImg和[cornersRows, cornersCols]")}));
if (inputs[0].getType() != matlab::data::ArrayType::UINT8) {
0, std::vector<matlab::data::Array>({factory.createScalar("The first input is fisheye image, uint8 type")}));
if (inputs[1].getType() != matlab::data::ArrayType::DOUBLE) {
0, std::vector<matlab::data::Array>({factory.createScalar("cornersRC must double type")}));
if (inputs[1].getDimensions().size() != 2) {
0, std::vector<matlab::data::Array>({factory.createScalar("Input must be m-by-n dimension")}));
if (inputs[1].getNumberOfElements() != 2) {
0, std::vector<matlab::data::Array>({factory.createScalar("Input must be m-by-n dimension")}));
if (outputs.size() != 1) {
matlabPtr->feval(u"error", 0, std::vector<matlab::data::Array>({factory.createScalar("Output argument must only one")}));
matlab mex compile code as follows:
% Notice: first use "mex -setup" to choose your c/c++ compiler
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% get the architecture of this computer
is_64bit = strcmp(computer,'MACI64') || strcmp(computer,'GLNXA64') || strcmp(computer,'PCWIN64');
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% the configuration of compiler
% You need to modify this configuration according to your own path of OpenCV
% 注意:你的VS OpenCV平台一定要匹配Matlab 64位的!
out_dir='./';% 当前目录
CPPFLAGS = ' -g -ID:\opencv_4_4_0\MinGW64_v8_OpenCV4_4_Contrib_install\include -ID:\opencv_4_4_0\MinGW64_v8_OpenCV4_4_Contrib_install\include\opencv2'; % your OpenCV "include" path
LDFLAGS = ' -LD:\opencv_4_4_0\MinGW64_v8_OpenCV4_4_Contrib_install\x64\mingw\lib'; % 用OpenCV release版本的"lib"路径
% LIBS = ' -lopencv_world440'; % msvc release版本的lib,无后缀,系统会自动加上去
LIBS = ' libopencv_world440.dll.a'; % mingw64 编译器.a库文件,无"-l"参数
if is_64bit
CPPFLAGS = [CPPFLAGS ' -largeArrayDims'];
%% add your files here!
compile_files = [
% the list of your code files which need to be compiled
' D:\vs_files\project1\project1\findCheckerBoarderCorners.cpp'
%% compiling...
str = compile_files;
fprintf('compilation of: %s\n', str);
str = [str ' -outdir ' out_dir CPPFLAGS LDFLAGS LIBS];
args = regexp(str, '\s+', 'split');
fprintf('Congratulations, compilation successful!!!\n');
matlab syntax:
corners = findCheckerBoarderCorners(fishEyeImage,[innerCornersRows,innerCornersCols]); % patternSize = [innerCornersRows,innerCornersCols]

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