compile mex file with external dll. The function works fine but it seems it didn't stop.

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I'm using matlab 2015a and visual studio 2010 I was going to use BitScope with matlab. So I got bitlib.h, BitLib.lib, BitLib.dll and compiled mex file.
the code is this
if true
% code
#include "mex.h"
#include "bitlib.h"
#define MY_DEVICES 1 /* open one device only / #define MY_PROBE_FILE "" / default probe file if unspecified */
#define MY_DEVICE 0 #define MY_CHANNEL 0 #define MY_MODE BL_MODE_FAST
double MY_RATE = 1000000; /* capture sample rate / int MY_SIZE = 11000; / number of samples to capture */
int m; double d[11000]; /* let's get 500 samples */ void Test_Main(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[]);
static void MyExit() { mexPrintf("bscmex.MyExit() called!\n"); /* Do cleanup here ... */ return; }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray plhs[], / Output variables / int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) / Input variables / { double *pointer; / pointer to real data in new array */ int i = 0;
// plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(MY_SIZE, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); pointer = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); // plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(MY_SIZE, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); // pointer = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
mexAtExit(MyExit); /* Register MyExit() to run when MEX?function is cleared */
mexPrintf("\nStarting : Test\n");
Test_Main(nlhs, plhs);
/* Create a local array and load data */ for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) { pointer[i] = d[i]; }
void Test_Main(int nlhs, mxArray plhs[]) { / * Open and select the first channel on the first device. */ double check_rate; int check_sample_size; double check_range; int check_range_step; int check_coupling; int check_state; int n = MY_SIZE; int i = 0;
check_state = BL_State();
mexPrintf("State : %d\n",check_state);
check_state = BL_State();
mexPrintf("State : %d\n",check_state);
mexPrintf("\nStarting : Attempting to open %d device%s...\n",MY_DEVICES,MY_DEVICES!=1?"s":""); if ( ! BL_Open(MY_PROBE_FILE,MY_DEVICE) ) { mexPrintf("Failed to find a devices.\n"); mexPrintf("Data acquisition complete. Dump Log...\n"); BL_Close(); return; } mexPrintf("BL_Open"); if ( BL_Select(BL_SELECT_DEVICE,MY_DEVICE) != MY_DEVICE ) { mexPrintf("Failed to select device %d.\n",MY_DEVICE); mexPrintf("Data acquisition complete. Dump Log...\n"); BL_Close(); return; } mexPrintf("BL_Select"); // if ( BL_Select(BL_SELECT_CHANNEL,MY_CHANNEL) != MY_CHANNEL ) { // mexPrintf("Failed to select channel %d.\n",MY_CHANNEL); // mexPrintf("Data acquisition complete. Dump Log...\n"); // BL_Close(); // return; // }
// mexPrintf("State : %s\n",BL_Name(0)); // mexPrintf("BL_Version(BL_VERSION_DEVICE ) : %s\n",BL_Version(BL_VERSION_DEVICE )); // mexPrintf("BL_Version(BL_VERSION_LIBRARY) : %s\n",BL_Version(BL_VERSION_LIBRARY )); // mexPrintf("BL_ID() : %s\n",BL_ID());
check_state = BL_State();
mexPrintf("State : %d\n",check_state);
* Prepare to capture one channel...
if ( BL_Mode(MY_MODE) != MY_MODE ) {
mexPrintf("Failed to select mode %d.\n",MY_MODE);
mexPrintf("Data acquisition complete. Dump Log...\n");
check_state = BL_State();
mexPrintf("State : %d\n",check_state);
check_rate = BL_Rate(MY_RATE); /* optional, default BL_MAX_RATE */
mexPrintf("Sampling rate Set to : %f Hz\n",check_rate);
check_sample_size = BL_Size(MY_SIZE); /* optional, default BL_MAX_SIZE */
// check_sample_size = BL_Size(MY_SIZE); /* optional, default BL_MAX_SIZE */
mexPrintf("Sample Size is Set to : %d \n",check_sample_size);
BL_Select(BL_SELECT_CHANNEL,MY_CHANNEL); /* choose the channel / BL_Trigger(BL_ZERO,BL_TRIG_RISE); / optional when untriggered / BL_Select(BL_SELECT_SOURCE,BL_SOURCE_POD); / use the POD input / check_range_step = BL_Count(BL_COUNT_RANGE); mexPrintf("Total Range Step : %d\n",check_range_step); check_range = BL_Range(3); / maximum range / mexPrintf("ADC Range Set to : %f V\n",check_range); // if(BL_Coupling(BL_COUPLING_AC)==1) // { // printf("Coupling Set to mode : %d V\n",BL_Coupling(BL_COUPLING_AC)); // } BL_Offset(BL_ZERO); / optional, default 0 / BL_Enable(1); / at least one channel must be initialised */
/* * Capture and acquire the data... */
mexPrintf("Trace: %d samples @ %.0fHz = %fs\n",BL_Size(BL_ASK),BL_Rate(BL_ASK), BL_Time(BL_ASK));
if ( BL_Trace(BL_TRACE_FORCED,BL_SYNCHRONOUS) ) { /* capture data (without a trigger) / i = 0; while ((BL_State() != BL_STATE_DONE) && i<100) { i++; } BL_Select(BL_SELECT_CHANNEL,MY_CHANNEL); / optional if only one channel */ m = BL_Acquire(n, d); mexPrintf("m : %d\n",m); }
check_state = BL_State();
mexPrintf("State : %d\n",check_state);
mexPrintf("Data acquisition complete. Dump Log...\n");
check_state = BL_State();
mexPrintf("State : %d\n",check_state);
check_state = BL_State();
mexPrintf("State : %d\n",check_state);
check_state = BL_State();
mexPrintf("State : %d\n",check_state);
it works when doing this
mex bscmex.c BitLib.lib
a = 1:11000;
The first problem is that when that is done i can't to anything else. It seems like the code is still running somewhere.
The Second problem is that I can run bscmex(a); only for a few times. When I run it aboutn 4~6times the matlab turns off itself.
I still think that all this is maybe memory problem. But I cannot solve this problem.
When I tried clear all after finished, the matlab stoped.
I really want to solve this problem. pease help me.

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