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solve Ax=b by singular value decomposition

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Jiapeng el 16 de Nov. de 2022
Cerrada: John D'Errico el 16 de Nov. de 2022
After I've got U,S,V by [U,S,V] = svd(A), how do I get x?
Is it x = (V*(S^(-1)*U')*b?
  3 comentarios
Steven Lord
Steven Lord el 16 de Nov. de 2022
Is there a particular reason you're using svd rather than simply using the \ operator?
Torsten el 16 de Nov. de 2022
Is it x = (V*(S^(-1)*U')*b?
No, only if S has all singular values not equal to 0.
at the bottom of the web page.

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