Steven Lord
Followers: 7 Following: 0
I joined The MathWorks in the Technical Support department during the summer of 2001 and transferred into the Quality Engineering department in March of 2004. I now work qualifying the core MATLAB numerical functions (PLUS, MINUS, LU, FFT, ODE45, etc.) Professional Interests: mathematics, MATLAB For assistance with MATLAB question please post to MATLAB Answers or contact Technical Support using the Contact Us link in the upper-right corner of the page instead of contacting me directly.
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Numerical integration of N by 1 matrics
See the trapz and cumtrapz functions.
alrededor de 15 horas hace | 0
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I am trying to recreate a plot from a literature review. It is a scatter graph but the axis are labels more than specific numbers
I'm not certain what the significance of the unlabeled horizontal lines are, but you can create a scatter plot with categorical ...
1 día hace | 0
Is it better to use tic/toc or a timer function for tracking time?
If you want to retrieve the current time, use: dt = datetime('now') To retrieve it as text data: s = string(dt) Depending on...
1 día hace | 0
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isnan to conver nan to zero in a table
Let's make a sample table with some NaN values and a non-numeric variable. A = magic(4); A(randperm(numel(A), 3)) = NaN; T = ...
1 día hace | 1
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Why are my licenses not linking to my account
I assume you are one of your company's license administrators? If so please contact Customer Service directly using this link an...
6 días hace | 0
How to convert python scipt to matlab using any matlan converter or else
I would see if the "Call Python from MATLAB" section linked from this documentation page provides the functionality you need.
7 días hace | 1
Find closest value in array
As of release R2021b, you don't need to use abs on the input to the min function. Use the 'ComparisonMethod' option to tell MATL...
7 días hace | 1
remove non-unique columns even if the sign has changed
Make a copy of newca1, let's call it M. Multiply each column of M whose first element is negative by -1. This way if you think o...
8 días hace | 0
Error using Matlab's publish function to create a pdf
I tried searching our internal bug database but I didn't find anything that looked exactly like this issue. I've reached out to ...
8 días hace | 0
Request for Cancellation of Full Toolbox Tutorial and Reversion to Original Trial State
Please contact Customer Service directly using this link with this request.
9 días hace | 1
Clicking on hyperlink for an "example" on MATLAB command line help changes my current directory
Do you want to read the example and potentially run some or all of it? I think that's a pretty common workflow for the examples....
10 días hace | 0
How does code sharing work in MATLAB?
Some of the functionality listed in the Software Development Tools category in the MATLAB documentation was not available in 202...
14 días hace | 1
cant get object's method to return multiple outputs
From the error message I suspect the class overloads indexing, either by overloading subsref or using one or more of the indexin...
14 días hace | 0
defining upper and lower limits of a matrix
If you were using release R2024a or later (or if upgrading is an option) you could use the clip function. M = magic(5) M2 = cl...
14 días hace | 1
This wasn't an option when the question was originally asked, but in more recent releases I recommend storing the names as a str...
14 días hace | 0
keep exact position of subplot axes
To clarify, when you say "position" do you mean the location of the subplot axes in the figure window, the limits of the axes (s...
15 días hace | 0
Trouble parsing ISO8601 date strings into datetime
Looking at the description of the Format property on the documentation page for the datetime function I think you want ZZZZZ or ...
19 días hace | 2
Are namespaces packages?
It is a new thing. namespaces The + directory hierarchy that used to be called packages are now called namespaces, so using an...
20 días hace | 1
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How to find the RMSE?
If you're using release R2022b or later, use the rmse function on your data.
22 días hace | 0
Converting product into individual entries
If you have the individual terms and their replication factors already, see the repelem function. If you don't you may need to u...
23 días hace | 0
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How do I create a game update in a while loop
numPasses = 0; expectedDuration = seconds(1/30); while numPasses < 5 dt = datetime('now'); n = 0; while datetime('now')-dt ...
26 días hace | 0
save() seems to be saving objects that should be destroyed, causing errors when the resulting .mat file is loaded
txs = txsite("AntennaHeight",1.5, ... "Latitude", 38.9899587, "Longitude", -76.9353889, ... "Transmitt...
27 días hace | 0
Optional Arguments in Function as Struct Input
Use the namedargs2cell function.
29 días hace | 0
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How do I include a command line in my app when using MATLAB Compiler?
No, you cannot include the Command Window in your deployed application. Since you mention App Designer and "change directories",...
29 días hace | 0
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how can i open .lod extension and .iqd extension file in matlab?
That depends. What do those files represent? Looking at a file extension database a file with the extension .lod could be from: ...
29 días hace | 0
Loading user-defined classes from .mat files absent the classdef
At one time, if I had a .mat file with a user-defined class variable, but lacked the classdef file, loading the .mat file would ...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
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where can I find the code?
Go to the webpage or documentation page for the example that calls that function. Use the button to open that example inside MAT...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
Correct way to test if a value is a function?
If you are debugging (note: don't use this in "production" code, as called out in the Note on its documentation page) you could ...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0
Code Matlab for a function that depends in a real parameter
Parameterize the function you pass into the integral function. See the "Parameterized Function" example on the integral document...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0
Why the squeeze function squeeze 1x3 array to 1x3, but squeeze 1x1x1x3x1 to 3x1?
If I recall correctly (this was before my time at MathWorks started) squeeze was introduced when we introduced arrays with more ...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0
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