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Identify number of arrays within each row of a cell

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Alberto Acri
Alberto Acri el 9 de En. de 2023
Respondida: Mathieu NOE el 9 de En. de 2023
Hi. I have the attached cell (.mat file).
The result I want to get is the number of matrices containing in each row of the cell. For example:
  • row 1 contains 1 matrix and therefore the result I want is "result = 1";
  • row 4 contains 2 matrices and therefore the result I want is "result = 2".
I sketched a for loop but I would not know how to continue:
load cell_A.mat
ROW = height(cell_A);
COLUMN = width(cell_A);
for row = 1:ROW
for column = 1:COLUMN
% .........

Respuesta aceptada

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE el 9 de En. de 2023
hello Alberto
only one for loop needed (row direction)
try this :
load cell_A.mat
[R,C] = size(cell_A);
for k = 1:R % row loop
%# find empty cells in k th row
emptyCells = find(cellfun(@isempty,cell_A(k,:)));
result(k) = C - numel(emptyCells);

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