Trying to discover both First and Second Shortests paths but returns only last vertex

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I'm trying to make the following code return the First Shortest Path then removing it so it can calculate the Second Shortest Path. So far it only returns the last node which in this case is 10 but should return something similar to 1-2-4-6-9-10 for one of the paths (this not the right solution just an example).
Note: Trying to make this code work without anyone teaching Matlab, it's all purely discussed with colleagues/searched on google so sorry for any bad/weird syntaxe usage
matrix = [0 3 6 8 2 inf inf inf inf inf; 3 0 5 7 9 1 inf inf inf inf; 6 5 0 5 8 10 2 inf inf inf; 8 7 5 0 4 9 14 3 inf inf; 2 9 8 4 0 5 12 15 4 inf; inf 1 10 9 5 0 10 20 25 5; inf inf 2 14 12 10 0 12 30 35; inf inf inf 3 15 20 12 0 25 40; inf inf inf inf 4 25 30 25 0 45; inf inf inf inf inf 5 35 40 45 0];
% Input:
start = 1;
ending = 10;
% Initialize variables
n = size(matrix,1); % number of vertices
d = inf(1,n); % distance array
d(start) = 0; % starting vertex distance = 0
prev = zeros(1,n); % predecessor array
S = false(1, n); % set of labeled vertices
S(start) = true;
if all(d == inf)
disp('The graph is disconnected')
for i = 1:size(matrix,1)
for j = 1:size(matrix,2)
if matrix(i,j) == 0
matrix(i,j) = inf;
% First shortest path
matrix = matrix + matrix';
%matrix(matrix == inf) = 0;
%matrix(matrix > 0) = inf;
while S(ending) == false
% Select vertex with smallest distance
[v] = min(d(~S));
v = find(~S,1,'first');
S(v) = true; % "permanently" label vertex
% Update distances and predecessors of neighbors
for u = find(matrix(v,:)~=inf)
if d(v) + matrix(v,u) < d(u) && matrix(v,u) <= inf
d(u) = d(v) + matrix(v,u);
prev(u) = v;
% Output first shortest path
path = ending;
while prev(path(end)) ~= 0
path = [path, prev(path(end))];
fprintf('First Shortest Path: ')
for i = length(path):-1:1
fprintf('%d ', path(i))
% Second shortest path
for i = 2:length(path)
matrix(path(i), path(i-1)) = inf; % remove the edge from first path
d = inf(1,n); % distance array
d(start) = 0; % starting vertex distance = 0
prev = zeros(1,n); % predecessor array
S = false(1, n); % set of labeled vertices
S(start) = true;
% Repeat the process to find the second shortest path
while S(ending) == false
% Select vertex with smallest distance
[v] = min(d(~S));
v = find(~S,1,'first');
S(v) = true; % "permanently" label vertex
% Update distances and predecessors of neighbors
for u = find(matrix(v,:)~=inf)
if d(v) + matrix(v,u) < d(u) && matrix(v,u) <= inf
d(u) = d(v) + matrix(v,u);
prev(u) = v;
% Output second shortest path
path = [ending];
while prev(path(1)) ~= 0
path = [prev(path(1)),path];
fprintf('Second Shortest Path: ')
for i = 1:length(path)
fprintf('%d ', path(i))

Respuestas (1)

Rajeev el 23 de En. de 2023
It looks like the if condition to update the distances of neighbours is never executed because the 'v' you selected is incorrect.
One approach is: Instead of just assigning binary states to the vertices (visited and unvisited), we can assign three states:
  • Unvisited: Have not reached this vertex yet,
  • Visiting: Current active vertex whose neighbours will be travesed in the current interation
  • Visited: Vertex whose all neighbours have been visited.
Then, you can modify the code like given below:
% 0 = unvisited
% 1 = visiting
% 2 = visited
S = zeros(1,n); % set of labeled vertices
% the root/source node will be explored first
S(start) = 1;
if all(d == inf)
disp('The graph is disconnected')
for i = 1:size(matrix,1)
for j = 1:size(matrix,2)
if matrix(i,j) == 0
matrix(i,j) = inf;
% First shortest path
matrix = matrix + matrix';
while S(ending) == false
% Select vertex(visiting) with the smallest distance
min_d = min(d(S==1));
v = find(d==min_d);
% Update distances and predecessors of neighbors
for u = find(matrix(v,:)~=inf)
if d(v) + matrix(v,u) < d(u) && matrix(v,u) <= inf
% Each neighbour node state is updated from unvisited to
% visiting
S(u) = 1;
d(u) = d(v) + matrix(v,u);
prev(u) = v;
% After exloring all neighbours, the current node is marked visited.
S(v) = 2;
Similarly, you can modify the code for second shortest path.




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