Borrar filtros
Borrar filtros

Distortion introduced by filtering interpolated data.

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Jasmine Zhu
Jasmine Zhu el 15 de Feb. de 2023
Comentada: Jasmine Zhu el 17 de Feb. de 2023
My goal is to filter the column g correctly.
Since there are duplicates in column t, I firstly used unique() to remove the duplicates and then applied a linear interpolation (gI). Then I applied a low pass filter to g and gI, respectively, just for comparison. I found a big distortion on filtered gI (attached .png). What happened and how to fix it?
PS.: The interpolation is a must, because I have other datasets to merge with.
Thank you in advance!
dat = load('data.txt');
t = dat(:,1);
g = dat(:,2);
% remove duplicates and interpolate
tI = t(1):t(end);
tI = tI';
[~,indt] = unique(t);
gI = interp1(t(indt),g(indt),tI,'linear','extrap');
% low pass filter
fl = 60;
B = fir1(fl,1/fl,blackman(fl+1));
% [~,gf1] = gaussfilt(t,g,fl); %% filter original data
% [~,gf2] = gaussfilt(tI,gI,fl); %% filter interpolated data
hold on
hold on
legend('filter orig data','filter interp data')
  1 comentario
Star Strider
Star Strider el 16 de Feb. de 2023
For whatever reason, even using the Signal Processing Toolbox resample funciton (more reliable for signal processing applications than interp1) on the original signal, either without first using unique, there is a significant discontinuity beginning at t=500, and that is likely responsible for the transient there. (You can see this by subtracting the two signals and plotting the difference.)
dat = readmatrix('')
dat = 2001×2
1.0e+06 * 0.0000 0.9768 0.0000 0.9759 0.0000 0.9815 0.0000 0.9895 0.0000 0.9941 0.0000 0.9923 0.0000 0.9853 0.0000 0.9767 0.0000 0.9702 0.0000 0.9682
t = dat(:,1);
g = dat(:,2);
tI = (t(1):size(dat,1)).';
gI = g;
fl = 60;
B = fir1(fl,1/fl,blackman(fl+1));
hold on
hold on
legend('filter orig data','filter interp data')
Re-defining the time vector so that all the time values are sequential (instead of some being duplicated) may be the easiest fix.

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Respuestas (1)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE el 16 de Feb. de 2023
Editada: Mathieu NOE el 16 de Feb. de 2023
when you do non unique data removal and interpolation, you are introducing a little distorsion in your original signal , like a small local step or impulse.
Then, depending of what kind of filter you apply (and especially how low is the cut off frequency) , you will see the filter transient response vs. this input distorsion, on top of what it is supposed the "true" filtered signal itself.
See that changing the cut off frequency of your low pass filter will have a significant effect on the distortion : if I shift the corner frequency to a higher value , the amplitude of the distorsion gets reduced. This clearly shows that what we are seing here is the filter transient response , and the transient is something WE have created during the duplicates removal / interpolation process.
So that may sound crazy or at least contra intuitive, but the best thing to do is to do the low pass filtering on the raw data first and unique / interpolation stage after.
In this case you get no distorsion at all
dat = load('data.txt');
t = dat(:,1);
g = dat(:,2);
% low pass filter (first)
fl = 60;
B = fir1(fl,1/fl,blackman(fl+1));
% remove duplicates and interpolate (second)
[tu,indt,~] = unique(t);
gfu = gf1(indt);
tI = (tu(1):tu(end))';
gfI = interp1(tu,gfu,tI,'linear');
legend('filter orig data','filter interp data')
  3 comentarios
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE el 16 de Feb. de 2023
I saw that too (missing / repeated values)
have tried a few different corrective actions, but all "failed" somehow as they would create a kind of local distorsion on the input signal that will create that "bump" transient on the filtered output. The bump amplitude is worse as you apply a lower cut off frequency filter. NB : the bump seems big but in fact when you look at the bump amplitude vs the main y value is not that big at all.
It surprised me a bit but from a practical point of view (and maybe not from a true mathematical point of view) I found the filtering on the raw data and then only the duplicates removal and interpolation better than the other way around.
Still not 100% scientific I admit but much better in term of plot result.
There may be still some work to do on this topic, but here it's going to be late , so maybe tomorrow I'll have a look again.
Jasmine Zhu
Jasmine Zhu el 17 de Feb. de 2023
The same confusion as Paul's. Doesn't a filtering process require evenly spaced data?

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