Don't bother. sqrtm also can have a similar problem, but you won't like what it does either! For example:
A = A*A' - diag(rand(3,1)*1e-15)
This insures that A is not positive definite. As I initially built is, A has rank only 2. But then I subtracted a tiny amount off the diagonal. That will kill any chances chol has, even though the matrix will still be symmetric.
Matrix must be positive definite.
0.90255 + 1.337e-10i 0.29619 - 1.1723e-09i 0.15571 + 1.4549e-09i
0.29619 - 1.1723e-09i 0.51422 + 1.0278e-08i 0.3871 - 1.2756e-08i
0.15571 + 1.4549e-09i 0.3871 - 1.2756e-08i 0.29759 + 1.5832e-08i
As you can see, sqrtm produces complex results, and you won't be happy with what that does to your random number draws. eig tells the story here.
So one tiny negative eigenvalue.
Instead, make the matrix SPD. And that means to just use my nearestSPD function. It insures chol will survive, because it tweaks the matrix minimally in those least significant bits to find a matrix that chol can use. (The final test in nearestSPD is that chol produces a result.)
-1.1102e-16 -1.1102e-16 0
-1.1102e-16 1.1102e-16 -3.8858e-16
So the perturbations are infinitessimal. And as you can see, chol now works.
Oh, by the way, avoid using sqrtm on semi-definte matrices, even if chol survives, at least to generate random numbers. For example:
0.66778 + 1.4162e-09i 0.18439 + 7.2703e-10i 0.42238 - 2.5564e-09i
0.18439 + 7.2703e-10i 0.59319 + 3.7324e-10i 0.27085 - 1.3124e-09i
0.42238 - 2.5564e-09i 0.27085 - 1.3124e-09i 0.31102 + 4.6145e-09i
So chol actually survived this time. I did not subtract off that random crap on the diagonal. B is still rank 2 though. And sqrtm is not doing as well. Those complex entries will give you now complex random numbers, if you use sqrtm.
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