Can someone help me convert NMW to ECI and ECI to ECEF please
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% Physical constants
mu = 398600.4418; % km^3/s^2
R_E = 6378.137; % km
omega_E = 7.2921158553e-5; % rad/s
nu = 0;
fpa = 0;
% Satellite parameters
e = 0; % Eccentricity
i = 30; % Inclination [deg]
RAAN = 20; % RAAN [deg]
n = sqrt(mu/R_E^3); % Mean motion [rad/s]
h = R_E*sqrt(1-e^2); % Specific angular momentum
alt= 35786; %km
r0m = R_E + alt %semi major axis
v0m = 3.11;
r0=a*[cosd(nu) sind(nu) 0];
v0=v0m*[cosd(nu-90+fpa),sind(nu-90+fpa), 0 ];
y0=[r0 v0];
fprintf(1,'Period = %6.0fsecs, %6.1fmins, %6.2fhrs\n',Period,Period/60,Period/3600)
nrevs = 100;
tmax = nrevs*Period;
% Sensor parameters
nadir_angle = 4; % [deg]
nadir_angle_rad = deg2rad(nadir_angle);
distance_to_earth = R_E + (a*sin(nadir_angle_rad)); % Distance to the point where the sensor line of sight intersects the earth
% NMW Inertial coordinate systemclc
x_NMW = [cosd(RAAN), sind(RAAN), 0]; % x-axis
z_NMW = [0, 0, 1]; % z-axis
y_NMW = cross(z_NMW, x_NMW); % y-axis
rref=a; %Set tolerances relative to r0
vref=v0m; % and v0
reltol=(1e-6); %Sets tolerance
abstol=reltol*[rref rref rref vref vref vref]; %this make each tol relate to r0m, v0m
settings=odeset('RelTol',reltol,'AbsTol',abstol); %sets relative and absolute tolerances
[~,Y]=ode45(@twoBody,[0 tmax],y0,settings);
for k=1:length(tolset)
fprintf(1,'Tolerance= %4.0e',tolset(k))
[~,Y]=ode45(@twoBody,[0 tmax],y0,settings);
r_NMWt=Y(:,1:3)' ;
r0_NMW=[a, 0, 0];
v0_NMW=[0, sqrt(mu)/a, 0];
hold off
hold on; axis equal;
rplot=8000*1.1; rlabel=rplot*1.1; %Dimension for placing axes labels
sizec=8000*1.1; %Sizes length of axes relative to semimajor axis
axis([-sizec sizec -sizec sizec -sizec sizec]); %Sizes the plot space -x +x -y +y -z +z
plot3([0 rplot],[0 0],[0 0],'k','LineWidth',2);text(rlabel,0,0,'X NMW km','FontWeight','bold')%x axis
plot3([0,0],[0,rplot],[0,0],'k','LineWidth',2);text(0,rlabel,0,'Y NMW km','FontWeight','bold')%y axis
plot3([0,0],[0,0],[0,rplot],'k','LineWidth',2);text(0,0,rlabel,'Z NMW km','FontWeight','bold')%z axis
hold on
plot3(r_NMWt(1,:),r_NMWt(2,:),r_NMWt(3,:),'- g','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',1);
axis equal
hold off
grid on
% Line-of-sight point of intersection with the Earth as the satellite makes one orbit revolution
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000);
x = distance_to_earth*cos(theta);
y = (acosd(i) + distance_to_earth*sin(nadir_angle_rad))*sin(theta);
z = (asind(i))*sin(theta);
% Earth Centered Inertial (ECI) frame
t = linspace(0, 2*pi/n, 1000);
r = [x', y', z'];
n_vec = repmat([0, 0, n], size(r, 1), 1);
v = cross(n_vec, r);
eci_states = [r, v];
hold off
hold on; axis equal;
rplot=8000*1.1; rlabel=rplot*1.1; %Dimension for placing axes labels
sizec=8000*1.1; %Sizes length of axes relative to semimajor axis
axis([-sizec sizec -sizec sizec -sizec sizec]); %Sizes the plot space -x +x -y +y -z +z
plot3([0 rplot],[0 0],[0 0],'k','LineWidth',2);text(rlabel,0,0,'X ECI km','FontWeight','bold')%x axis
plot3([0,0],[0,rplot],[0,0],'k','LineWidth',2);text(0,rlabel,0,'Y ECI km','FontWeight','bold')%y axis
plot3([0,0],[0,0],[0,rplot],'k','LineWidth',2);text(0,0,rlabel,'Z ECI km','FontWeight','bold')%z axis
hold on
%ECI_path = eci_states(1:3,:);
ECI_path = eci_states(:,1:3);
plot3(ECI_path(:,1), ECI_path(:,2), ECI_path(:,3), '-o','MarkerSize',1,'linewidth',1)
xlabel('x (km)')
ylabel('y (km)')
zlabel('z (km)')
title('Path of the satellite in ECI frame')
grid on
axis equal
hold off
% Argument of Latitude
lat_30 = 30;
u = atan2d(tand(lat_30), cosd(RAAN));
fprintf('Argument of latitude: %.2f degrees\n', u);
% Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) frame
GMST = @(t) mod(omega_E*t, 2*pi);
ecef_states = zeros(size(eci_states));
for i = 1:size(eci_states, 1)
T = [cos(GMST(t(i))), sin(GMST(t(i))), 0;
-sin(GMST(t(i))), cos(GMST(t(i))), 0;
0, 0, 1];
ecef_states(i, :) = eci_states(i, :)';
ECEF_path = ecef_states(:, 1:3);
hold off
hold on; axis equal;
rplot=8000*1.1; rlabel=rplot*1.1;
axis([-sizec sizec -sizec sizec -sizec sizec]);
plot3([0 rplot],[0 0],[0 0],'k','LineWidth',2);text(rlabel,0,0,'X ECEF km','FontWeight','bold')%x axis
plot3([0,0],[0,rplot],[0,0],'k','LineWidth',2);text(0,rlabel,0,'Y ECEF km','FontWeight','bold')%y axis
plot3([0,0],[0,0],[0,rplot],'k','LineWidth',2);text(0,0,rlabel,'Z ECEF km','FontWeight','bold')%z axi
plot3(ECEF_path(1,:), ECEF_path(2,:), ECEF_path(3,:))
xlabel('Longitude (deg)')
ylabel('Latitude (deg)')
title('Ground track of the satellite in ECEF frame')
grid on
axis equal
hold on
plot(u, lat_30, 'r')
axis equal
hold off
legend('Ground track', 'Spot beam')
grid on
% Part of the world where the spot beam is hitting
fprintf('The spot beam is hitting the part of the world near %.2f degrees N, %.2f degrees E.\n', lat_30, u);
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Respuestas (1)
Amit Dhakite
el 14 de Mzo. de 2023
Hi Jagrut,
As per my understanding, you want to convert some data from one coordinate system to another coordinate system.
In reference to the NMW Coordinate system, there are no predefined functions for conversion from one coordinate system to another coordinate system. So, please note that it has to be done manually.
However, for the Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI) and Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF), there are some predefined functions in MATLAB, which you can use.
For example, function 'dcmeci2ecef' is used to convert from ECI to ECEF coordinate system.
For further information about dcmeci2ecef, kindly go through the following link:
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