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I want to solve this equation for a and b where A and B is a vector data with dimension (1344x1) A=a(B)^b

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Here; A = data1 ; B = data2
y = data1;
Y = log(y);
A = [ones(length(y),1) log(data2)'];
X1 = inv(A'*A);
X2 = A'.*Y;
X = X1*X2;
a = exp(X(1:1,1));
b = X(2,1:1);
this is the method I am using to solve for this equation. But I am not sure this is the right way to solve nonlinear equations. Can someone suggest an alternate way with an example?
Thank you

Respuesta aceptada

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 12 de Abr. de 2023
p = polyfit(log(B), log(A), 1);
a = exp(p(2));
b = p(1);
This would at least be a good starting point for a search in linear space (it should be close to as good as you can get in log space.)

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