Problem with plotting graph

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Adrian Kleffler
Adrian Kleffler el 9 de Mayo de 2023
Movida: Walter Roberson el 10 de Mayo de 2023
Hello, I trained Fast R-cnn detector and after I visualize graph of average precision for every class, each graph looks the same but the value of average precision is diferent for every class...
here is the code:
[ap, recall, precision] = evaluateDetectionPrecision(detectionResults,testData);
here i am showing average precision for first class:
recallv = cell2mat(recall);
precisionv = cell2mat(precision);
[r,index] = sort(recallv);
p = precisionv(index);
grid on
title(sprintf("Average Precision = %.2f",ap(1)))
and the graphs looks the same for every class:
and also average precision for 4th class is 0... I dont know why... can anybody help me? why is the average precision for 4th class 0?
  4 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 9 de Mayo de 2023
for i = 1 : length(ap)
recallv = recall{i};
precisionv = precision{i};
stuff goes here
title(sprintf("Average Precision = %.2f",ap(i)));
Adrian Kleffler
Adrian Kleffler el 9 de Mayo de 2023
Can you insert it in my code please? I’m not sure if i understand you

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Respuestas (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 9 de Mayo de 2023
Movida: Walter Roberson el 10 de Mayo de 2023
for i = 1 : length(ap)
recallv = recall{i};
precisionv = precision{i};
[r,index] = sort(recallv);
p = precisionv(index);
grid on
title(sprintf("Average Precision = %.2f",ap(i)));
However you might want to consider using subplot() or tiledlayout() to put multiple plots in the same figure instead of using individual figures.
  1 comentario
Adrian Kleffler
Adrian Kleffler el 9 de Mayo de 2023
Movida: Walter Roberson el 10 de Mayo de 2023
thank you so much!

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