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Can I link optimization code with Simulink file?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Morteza Moslehi
Morteza Moslehi el 11 de Mayo de 2023
Comentada: Fangjun Jiang el 19 de Mayo de 2023
I want to link my m.file with simulink file to cut the complex equations and codes.
I just want to know, Can I define my specific parameter as variables and link the file with smulink?
cost =zeros(size(popmatrix,1),1);
for ii= 1:size(popmatrix)
LowerBand = [-400 -400];
UpperBand = [400 400];

Respuestas (2)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang el 11 de Mayo de 2023
In the most common case, you run the code above, all the variables will be created in the base workspace. If your Simulink model PMSM uses any of these variables in its block diagram, then, Yes, the Simulink model will use the updated variable value for its simulation. In your word, they are "linked".
  12 comentarios
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang el 12 de Mayo de 2023
No need to touch the mask of the PID controller. You will be confused by yet another term: mask workspace.
Design your cost function as
function [Kc, E]=MyFun(x,y,z)
%some code here
And then run this in Command Window and you will get Kc and E in base workspace
[Kc, E]=MyFun(x,y,z)
Morteza Moslehi
Morteza Moslehi el 18 de Mayo de 2023
Movida: Fangjun Jiang el 19 de Mayo de 2023
@Fangjun Jiang thank you so much to give your time to fix my code.
But, my problem was in the simulink, I had to put Fobj for controlling. Thank you so much for your kind again.

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Morteza Moslehi
Morteza Moslehi el 12 de Mayo de 2023
Can I do it by Matlab?
function cost = Curve_Pth_Pattern1_P_I(popmatrix)
global LowerBand UpperBand
for ii = 1:length(LowerBand)
popmatrix(:,ii) = LowerBand(ii)+(UpperBand(ii)-LowerBand(ii))*popmatrix(:,ii);
% change the bounds of x from 0<=x<=1 to a<=x<=b
cost =zeros(size(popmatrix,1),1);
for ii= 1:size(popmatrix)
LowerBand = [1 1];
UpperBand = [4 10];
  2 comentarios
Morteza Moslehi
Morteza Moslehi el 18 de Mayo de 2023
Movida: Fangjun Jiang el 19 de Mayo de 2023
FIrst, We have to descibe a block as objective function to model and make a circle in the simulink and after that define m.files for parameters as workspace. it is completely okay.
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang el 19 de Mayo de 2023
"descibe a block as objective function", "make a circle in the simulink"
I am sorry I couldn't understand these. Now I think I didn't understand your question at all.

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