how to get the cost function result from model predictive controller?

7 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Hello everyone,
so i have a model predictive controller programming code, and it works, but they don't give me the cost function as a resut when I run it, they only give me the evaluated performance of the tests as a result,
the code is:
% continuous-time state-space matrices
A=[1 0;0 1];
B=[0.0936 0.0936 0 0.0936;0 0.0752 0 0];
C=[1 0;0 1];
D=[0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0];
Plant.InputName = {'MV1','MV2','MV3','MD'}; % set names of input variables
Plant.OutputName = {'MO1','MO2'}; % set names of output variables
Plant.StateName = {'S1','S2'}; % set names of state variables
Plant.InputUnit = {'Watt', 'Watt', 'Watt', 'Watt'}; % set units of input variables
Plant.OutputUnit = {'%', '%'}; % set units of output variables
Plant.StateUnit = {'%', '%'}; % set units of state variables
% create state space plant model
plant = ss(A,B,C,D);
% Assign Input and Output Signals to Different MPC Categories
plant = setmpcsignals(plant,MV=[1 2 3],MD=4)
Ts = 0.1; % sampling time
plant = c2d(plant,Ts); % convert to discrete time
% Display Basic Plant Properties and Plot Step Response
% Plot the open-loop step response
% Create Controller
mpcobj.Ts = 0.1;
mpcobj.PredictionHorizon = 15;
mpcobj.ControlHorizon = 3;
% View and Modify Controller Properties
% Display a list of the controller properties and their current values.
%mpcobj.DisturbanceVariables(1).Name= Power generated from PV panels;
% Override default scale factors using specified spans
%Uspan = [..., ..., ..., ...];
%Yspan = [..., ...];
% for i = 1:3
% mpcobj.MV(i).ScaleFactor = Uspan(iMV(i));
% end
% mpcobj.MD.ScaleFactor = Uspan(iMD);
% for i = 1:2
% mpcobj.OV(i).ScaleFactor = Yspan(i);
% end
%mpcobj.ManipulatedVariables(1).ScaleFactor = 10;
mpcobj.History = datevec(now);
MV = struct(Min=-1,Max=1);
mpcobj.MV(1).MinECR = 0;
mpcobj.MV(1).MaxECR = 0;
mpcobj.MV(2).MinECR = 0;
mpcobj.MV(2).MaxECR = 0;
mpcobj.MV(3).MinECR = 0.2;
mpcobj.MV(3).MaxECR = 0.2;
mpcobj.MV(1).RateMinECR = 0.2;
mpcobj.MV(1).RateMaxECR = 0.2;
mpcobj.MV(2).RateMinECR = 5;
mpcobj.MV(2).RateMaxECR = 5;
mpcobj.MV(3).RateMinECR = 0.2;
mpcobj.MV(3).RateMaxECR = 0.2;
%mpcobj.MV(1).RateMax = ;
%mpcobj.MV(1).RateMin = ;
%mpcobj.MV(2).RateMax = ;
%mpcobj.MV(2).RateMin = ;
%mpcobj.MV(3).RateMax = ;
%mpcobj.MV(3).RateMin = ;
mpcobj.MV(1).Min = -2500;
mpcobj.MV(1).Max = 6000;
mpcobj.MV(2).Min = 0;
mpcobj.MV(2).Max = 6000;
mpcobj.MV(3).Min = 0;
mpcobj.MV(3).Max = 6000;
%power demand
%donnees: a= 0 pour 5-t-8 otherwise a =1 ; b= 0 pour 5-t-9 otherwise b=1; Np=...;
Pfz= 22; PLi=267; Psh= 313; Pac=403; Ptv=86; Pwm=1.2; Pmicro=0.33; Pnot= 13; Pwater=8.5;
a=zeros(size(t)); a(t<5 | t>8)=1; % define constant by t
b=ones(size(t)); b(t>17 & t<21)=0;
Pdem=Pfdg+Pfz+PLi+(a+b)*(Psh+Pac+Ptv+Pnot)+a.*b*(Pwater+Pwm) + Pmicro;
% define time-varying constraints and weights over the prediction horizon, to shifts at each time step
%mpcobj.MV.RateMin = [-2; -1.5; -1; -1; -1; -0.5];
%mpcobj.MV.RateMax = [2; 1.5; 1; 1; 1; 0.5];
%mpcobj.W.OutputVariables = [0.1 0; 0.2 0; 0.5 0; 1 0];
Weights.OV=5;% Above average priority
Weights.MV=[0 0 0.2 0]; % This value allows the MVs to move away from their targets temporarily to improve OV tracking.
Weights.MVRate=[0 0.1 0 0];
%Review Controller Design
%custom set estimator
xmpc = mpcstate(mpcobj);
SOCpbref=75; % (en pourcentage)
SOCliref=85; % (en pourcentage)
t1=25; % en seconds
Cmaxpb=22020; % As (Ampersecond)
Cmaxli=6000; % As (Ampersecond)
Ipb=[60 65 70 75 65 60 55 50 50 50 55 60 65 70 75 75 75 75 70 60 60 55 65 60 50]; % en Ampere
Ili=[70 75 80 85 75 70 65 60 60 60 65 70 75 80 85 85 85 85 80 70 70 65 75 70 60]; % en Ampere
Cpb= sum(Ipb)/t1;
Cli= sum(Ili)/t1;
for t = 0:Nc
y = (plant.C)*xplant; % plant equations: output
YY(t+1,:) = y;
xmpc.Plant = [SOCpb, SOCli]; % state estimation
u = mpcmove(mpcobj,xmpc,[],[SOCpbref, SOCliref]); % output is not needed
UU(t+1,:) = u;
u = [u;0];
xplant = plant.A*xplant + plant.B*u; % plant equations: next state
%Plot the simulation results
% figure
% subplot(2,1,1)
% plot(0:Ts:5,YY)
% title('y')
% subplot(2,1,2)
% plot(0:Ts:5,UU)
% title('u')
% Custom Cost Function
Optimization.ReplaceStandardCost = false
Optimization.CustomCostFcn = @myCostFunction;
% custom cost function
% e=2;
% CCli=1661.9;
% Cyclesli=3000;
% Cli=100;
% Vdc=48;
% effli=94;
% costdegre=10^(-9);
function J1 = myCostFunction(X,U,e,data,params);
for k=1:Np
Np = data.PredictionHorizon;
% Residential Loads Cost Function
U3 = U(1:p,data.MVIndex(3));
J1= e*sum(U1 -Pdem).^2
% Energy Storage System Cost Function
U2 = U(1:p,data.MVIndex(2));
J2= (CCli*U2*Ts*effli)/(2*Cyclesli*Cli) + costdegre*sum(U2.^2)
and how can uncomment the comments for better results;
thanks in advance

Respuesta aceptada

Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis el 13 de Jun. de 2023
Please take a look at the doc page of mpcmove. The Info output containts a field called Cost. You can use it to visualize how the optimal cost changes across time steps.

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