- Open the Simulink model that you want to modify and locate the Mechanics Explorer block that represents your physical system.
- Double-click on the block to open its parameter dialog and select the 'Coordinate Systems' tab.
- In the 'Coordinate Systems' tab, you can add or remove coordinate systems to the model by clicking the relevant buttons.
- To add a new coordinate system, click on the 'Add' button and specify the properties of the new coordinate system, such as its origin and orientation relative to the existing coordinate systems.
- You can also modify the orientation of the coordinate system using rotation/scaling/translation blocks, which allow you to modify the coordinate system about its x, y, or z-axis. These blocks can be added to the model and connected to the existing coordinate systems to modify their orientation.
- Once you have modified the coordinate system set, you can simulate the model to see the updated results.
- https://in.mathworks.com/help/sm/ref/mechanicsexplorer-app.html - Mechanics Explorer
- https://in.mathworks.com/help/sm/ug/manipulate-the-visualization-viewpoint.html - Manipulate and Visualization Viewpoint