Hi, you can take the following steps to overlay a red transparent blur over the original grayscale image using the provided mask:
1. Define the original grayscale image and the mask.
- `gray_image` represents the grayscale image with objects. It is a 4x6 matrix in this example.
- `mask` represents the mask that matches the objects visible. It has the same size as `gray_image`.
2. Create an RGB image from the grayscale data.
- `rgb_image` is a 4x6x3 matrix created using the `cat` function. The three color channels (red, green, blue) are initialized with the same values as the grayscale image.
3. Apply the mask to the red channel of the RGB image.
- `red_channel` is extracted from `rgb_image` using `rgb_image(:,:,1)`.
- Wherever the mask is 1, the corresponding pixels in the red channel are set to 255 (maximum intensity), highlighting the objects.
4. Apply a blur to the modified red channel to create a transparent effect.
- The `imgaussfilt` function is used to apply a Gaussian blur to the `red_channel`, creating a smooth and blurred effect.
- The `blur_radius` parameter determines the extent of the blur. In this example, a radius of 5 is used.
5. Combine the modified red channel with the original green and blue channels.
- The modified red channel `blurred_red` is assigned back to the red channel of `rgb_image`, replacing the original values.
- The green and blue channels remain unchanged.
6. Display the resulting image.
- The `imshow` function is used to display the final RGB image with the overlay of the red transparent blur.
By following these steps, the code creates an image where the objects specified by the mask are highlighted with a red transparent blur effect, overlaying the original grayscale image.
gray_image = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1;
mask = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
rgb_image = cat(3, gray_image, gray_image, gray_image);
red_channel = rgb_image(:,:,1);
red_channel(mask == 1) = 255;
blurred_red = imgaussfilt(red_channel, blur_radius);
rgb_image(:,:,1) = blurred_red;