- Load the existing model of the Highway Lane change planner and controller
- Create a new scenario using the 'drivingScenario' object to define the road layout, vehicles and trajectories. Specify the paths of the vehicles and the movement of each vehicle.
- Modify the 'HighwayLaneChangePlannerAndController' model to use the new scenario. Update the scenario reader block to read from your new scenario. You can use the 'set_param' function to update the block model.
- Highway lane change planner with RoadRunner scenario: https://www.mathworks.com/help/driving/ug/highway-lane-change-planner-with-roadrunner-scenario.html
- Highway lane change planner and controller: https://www.mathworks.com/help/driving/ug/highway-lane-change-planner-and-controller.html
- Developing a motion planner for highway lane change maneuvers: https://www.mathworks.com/videos/developing-a-motion-planner-for-highway-lane-change-maneuvers-1621965537992.html
- drivingScenario: https://www.mathworks.com/help/driving/ref/drivingscenario.html