i have a series of data taken in lab of a Schottky type of diode and i have to evaluate them neglecting the series resistance even though it can't be ignored.
i'm using this code to plot the I vs V specs of the sample at each temperature
%Importare dati, indicare percorso file dati completo
load ST_n_293K.txt;
xdata=ST_n_293K(:,1); % v (riga, colonna)
ydata=ST_n_293K(:,2); % i (riga, colonna)
%plot dati
title('fit I vs V a 293K')
xlabel('V [V]');
ylabel('I [mA]');
then i proceed with the fitting app using y=a*(exp(x/b)-1) as equation but it seems like the fit is not good enough.
i'm using this a s reference https://zenodo.org/record/1085918 and in particular the first method at page 2, if i do as the article says i'm getting values way higher, so my question is: am i applying it wrong or because of the diode manufacture the values has to be this high?