removing up and down spikes from a surface
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I have a 2-d array of data that represents a surface. The surface was scanned with a laser, and the laser data has both upward and downward spikes. However, the surface also has legitimate topography (it is smooth, but with transitions). I would like to preserve the topography, but get rid of the spikes.
I have had success using a 7,7 median filter to remove the spikes. However, the median filter also removes a lot of the "valid" detail. So, I use the MAX function to compare the original data with the filtered data. That gives me a noise-free top surface, while preserving the data at the bottom. I also use the MIN function to get a noise-free bottom surface. So the max data now has downward spikes and the min data has upward spikes.
My challenge: Is there a way to combine these two surfaces, possibly including the original data, to get rid of both sets of spikes, while preserving the underlying detail? I think I almost want the opposite of a median of the three arrays, where if two of the three corresponding elements are the same, I want to keep the third one.
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el 29 de Sept. de 2023
Editada: DGM
el 29 de Sept. de 2023
It would help to have an example of the data to know what the ranges look like.
At first glance, I might try to throw an adaptive median noise removal filter at it (or maybe a fixed median NR filter with appropriately tailored thresholds)
% some fake data (a smooth surface)
sz = 50;
Z = peaks(sz);
% add some impulse noise
noise = 2*randn(sz); imrange(noise)
noise(abs(noise)<5) = 0;
Z = Z + noise;
% adaptive median noise removal filter
% these parameters specify an 11x11 maximum window size
% and a more generous relative order statistic for identifying noise
Zf = amedfilt(Z,5,0.5); % MIMT
That would only remove local outliers, but using a plain median filter without any noise discrimination (e.g. medfilt2()) will remove more than the spikes, and may change the apparent shape of the surface.
% a plain spatial filter with no discrimination
Zf = medfilt2(Z,[7 7]);
amedfilt() is part of MIMT. It's not exactly meant for this purpose, but depending on the relative scale of noise vs non-noise features, it might work adequately.
There's also rmoutliers(), though I admit that I'm not as familiar with it:
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